Foods Every Runner Should Add to Their Diet and Why There are - TopicsExpress


Foods Every Runner Should Add to Their Diet and Why There are many foods that help us strengthen our endurance and speed up our recovery systems. If you are a runner or anybody that works your body hard, think about adding the following to your diet: Fluids: Lack of fluids is the most common reason for feeling sluggish, and runners especially need to make sure they get plenty of hydration and replace fluids regularly. A common equation for figuring you daily water need is half you body weight in ounces of water. Here is a link that further explains this: myfooddiary/resources/ask_the_expert/recommended_daily_water_intake.asp Almonds: A handful of almonds three to five times a week provides necessary Vitamin E, in the form of gamma-tocopherol. This is an antioxidant many runners fall short of because it is so hard to find good sources to provide what is needed. Eggs: One of the most complete proteins you can consume. Eggs contain 10% of your daily protein needs and all the amino acids your muscles need promote recovery. Don’t worry about the cholesterol, some studies actually show that egg eaters have lower risk of heart attacks then non-egg eaters. Sweet Potatoes: One single 100 calorie sweet potato provides 250% of the daily needs of Vitamin A . It is also a good source of Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Potassium, Iron, and trace minerals of manganese and copper, which are all crucial for muscle function. Oranges: Provide 100% daily need of antioxidant Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to alleviate muscle soreness. Canned Black Beans: Just one cup provides 30% daily needs of protein and 60% daily needs of fiber in the form of folate and antioxidants. They are also considered low GI food which means it helps control blood sugar levels and enhance performance because there is a steady release of energy. Chicken: Runners need 50 to 75% more protein than non-runners to help rebuild muscles and promote recovery. One 4oz serving of chicken can provide a runner with half their daily requirement. Chicken also contains Selenium, a trace element that protects muscles from free radical damage, and Niacin a Vitamin B which regulates fat burning. Some recent studies also suggest that people who get ample supplies of Niacin have 70% lower risk of Alzheimers. Lean Quality Beef: Protein rich red and dark meats can boost your health and strengthen muscles . A good quality meat provides extra nutrients the body needs such as Iron, with helps maintain energy levels, and is essential for everyone especially athletes and Zinc, an essential mineral for a strong immune system. And most importantly, protein and amino acids that repair small muscle tears. Meat also provides vitamins B and E if you are careful to choose grass fed over grain feed. Kale: A super food that has so many benefits that it is hard to list. It is a great food for runners because it offers kempferol and quercetin, flavonoids which combine both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It has also been recognized as a comprehensive detoxification system. Bananas: A good choice for runners because of the Potassium and Magnesium. When we sweat we loose vital nutrients and bananas help replace them. It is important to note that potassium deficiency could result in muscle cramps and irregular heart beat. One medium banana has about 422 milligrams of Potassium which is 12% of your daily needs. Bananas are also a great provider of B-6 which helps maintain energy, and support muscle activity during exercise. Also rich source of Magnesium, which has been stated to be particularly helpful in maintaining bone health and seems to be important in muscle and nerve function. One-medium banana has about 32 milligrams of Magnesium. Green Tea: Preferred over coffee prior to a race because it is easier on the stomach has less caffeine and is proven to be a performance enhancer that increases endurance, improves alertness and provides only half as much caffeine as coffee or energy drinks at 40 to 60 milligrams per cup. The acid in coffee and the carbonation in cola and energy drinks can be hard on jittery pre-race stomachs--leading to heartburn and stomach upset. Tea also has more health benefits with its trace vitamins and minerals. It is rich in polyphenols, which are rich disease-fighting antioxidants that have been linked to preventing cancer and heart disease. Whole Grain Pasta: This is a runners go-to because it contains easily digestible carbs that help rebuild energy stores. Whole Grains are a must because they contain more fiber and B vitamins that are crucial to energy metabolism. Salmon: An excellent source of high quality protein. One 4oz portion will give you 30% on your daily requirements. It is also one of the best food sources of omega-3 fats, which are essential fats that balance the body’s inflammation response, which has been linked to a variety of various diseases. Quinoa - This nutrient rich, protein packed gluten free complex carbohydrate is packed with zinc, Vitamin B, Iron, fiber, and Magnesium as well as antioxidant filled, anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol in especially concentrated amounts. Also, small amounts of omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin E, with a low glucose Index. It is one of the healthiest foods which can help boost energy, prevent inflammation and speed recovery of muscles. Whole Grain Bread: Runners need at least 3 to 6 servings of whole grains per day,. Eating Whole grain breads versus whole grain with refined grains and flours is a great way to meet this requirement. One slice is equal to one serving. Whole grains have also been shown to lower risk of metabolic syndrome. Mixed Salad Greens: Rather than one type of lettuce, choose mixed greens which typically offer five or more colorful delicate greens. Each variety offers a unique blend of Phytonutrients which act as antioxidants and ward off muscle damage. Phytonutrients have also been suggested to may fend off age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Mixed Vegetables Research shows that eating combinations of antioxidants such at beta-carotene and Vitamin C may lessen muscle soreness. Many frozen mixed vegetables offer a potent mix of antioxidants with various peppers, bok choy, and soy beans. Mixed Berries: The colorful compounds that give these berries deep rich colors are Anthocyanins a very powerful group of antioxidants that have been thought to help post recovery and muscle repair. Whole Grain Cereal with Protein: Make sure your cereal has at least 5 grams of fiber and eight grams of protein. These important Phytonutrients are heart healthy and the fiber which equates to 20% of the daily needs. Dark Chocolate: Everyone deserves a treat especially one you can feel good about. Chocolate contains potent antioxidants called flavonols that can boost heart health and reduce inflammation and help blood from becoming too sticky, which lowers chances of clots. Please note that this is not the case for all chocolate; as a rule, the darker the better. Low Fat Yogurt with live cultures: A great source of protein and calcium, just one cup provides 13 grams of protein and 40% of daily need of calcium. While the live cultures provides the healthy bacteria that is necessary for your digestive tract, live cultures are also believed to have anti-inflammatory powers. Sources: whfoods/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=38 runnersworld/nutrition-runners/best-foods-runners fitbie/eat-right/15-best-foods-runners runnersworld/nutrition-runners/meaty-issues runningpetitor/2013/08/photos/photos-10-essential-foods-for-runners_11329 fitbie/eat-right/15-best-foods-runners healthyeating.sfgate/benefits-bananas-running-7297.html
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:10:15 +0000

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