Foods that boost concentration Banana There is no quick fix - TopicsExpress


Foods that boost concentration Banana There is no quick fix for staying focused during the day, but fortunately, there are healthy foods that can optimize your concentration and increase energy levels. If you’re in dire need of boosting your productivity during the day, check out these 10 foods that will deliver results: Bananas: If you’re in a hurry, make sure to grab a banana to consume while on the go. Not only are they sweet and delish, but they can also help boost your concentration. A 2008 study found that students who ate the golden fruit before an exam actually did better than those who didn’t. Bananas highlight potassium, an essential mineral crucial for keeping your brain, nerves, and heart in tip-top shape. Spinach: You could have crunchy, nutritious kale as a salad for lunch, but if you’re looking to change things up, consider trying another dark leafy green whenever the mood strikes. Spinach is known as brain food and there’s a reason why. “Spinach is loaded with lutein, folate, and beta-carotene,” Florida-based dietitian Tara Gidus tells Real Simple. “These nutrients have been linked with preventing dementia. I know neurologists who recommend eating spinach at least three times a week.” Eggs: You may be tempted to ditch the yolk when preparing eggs, but some experts actually insist on keeping it. “Whole eggs, yolk included, are a dense source of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA,” says Shemek. “Research has shown that adequate omega-3 intake has a favorable effect upon memory and mood. Eggs also contain choline, a compound that can help maintain healthy brain cell membranes.” To save time, Shemek recommends boiling a batch of eggs for the week ahead to have them on hand. Oatmeal: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and with good reason. Not only does it give you the first boost of energy to start your day, but studies have also shown breakfast eaters are at lower risk for obesity, hypertension and diabetes, in comparison to those who prefer to skip it. While it might be tempting to savor sugary cereal or a doughnut, it’s crucial to start your day on the right note so you can stay focused, fight hunger, and avoid packing on the pounds easily.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:49:50 +0000

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