Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter Whole Grain Whole grains - TopicsExpress


Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter Whole Grain Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, which require more energy to break down. Your body uses this energy as fuel to give you warmth on those cold winter days. Whole grains are a rich source of a number of vitamins, especially vitamin B and they help your thyroid gland to function optimally. Thyroid gland helps to regulate your body temperature and keeps you toasty warm in winter. So, these winters add a lot of brown rice, oats, barley and millets like jowar and bajra to your diet. Healthy Ginger It not only has heat generating properties, but it also helps to strengthen your digestive system as well as boost your immunity. Whats more? Ginger is a powerful aphrodisiac as well. So add ginger in sabjis, soups and salads as much as possible during winter. And, do not forget the hot favourite, aadrak wali chai (ginger tea)! Seeds In winter, always eat like a bird. No, we do not mean that you should reduce your meal portions. What we mean is that you must try to eat a handful of seeds daily. Sesame, cumin, fennel, and fenugreek (methi) seeds are best for those cold winter months. They not only enhance the flavour of your dish but also have heat generating properties. And, not to forget that they provide your body with essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Peanuts Ask your grandmother and mother, and they will tell you all about the goodness of enjoying peanuts on a cold winter afternoon. Peanuts are amazing for your body. They not only warm you up instantly but also provide your body with iron, vitamins and fibre. But just be cautious that you do not over indulge in peanuts as they can lead to weight gain. Nuts This is one food with which every Indian can closely relate to during winters. Apart from that, other nuts are also really good for you when consumed during the winter season. Almonds and pistachios are known for their heat generating properties as well. They are also good for your bodys overall health. Cinnamon The sweet cinnamon is great spice for those who not only wish to lose weight, but also want to stay warm from the inside during the cold winter months. Add some cinnamon powder to your warm drinks and enjoy its warming properties. When it comes to desserts, a pinch of cinnamon powder adds a wonderful flavor to a vanilla sponge cake and even kheer! Honey The rich golden colour of honey is like sun for your body from inside. Honey is effective in warming up your body, and it is also a natural sweetener. It is great for your digestive system and it helps you to stay healthy during the winters.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:46:22 +0000

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