Foolishly, I chugged 32 ozs of water at Bible study and didnt take - TopicsExpress


Foolishly, I chugged 32 ozs of water at Bible study and didnt take the opportunity to relieve my bladder before leaving to complete errands for the evening. On my journey home, I could focus on little outside of reaching my house in the most efficient manner, as the bladder urges were mighty powerful. Perhaps, this is why I hadnt noticed the cop I sped past. On cue the cop car flipped a U-turn and followed behind. Feverishly, I tried to recollect just how fast I was traveling and suddenly my attention shifted to not just a full bladder, but also to a knot that was forming in my stomach, alerting me to the foreboding punishment. Though I had reduced my speed and stopped at a traffic light, I kept glancing in the rearview mirror in anticipation of seeing flashing lights. With each look, the officer was distracted by his computer and I was certain he was running my plates. In my head I started rehearsing how I would reveal my situation, but suspected that he would simply dismiss it as a lie. Distracted, I almost missed that the light turned green. I proceeded straight. To my surprise, the officer turned right. While I was thrilled that I had avoided a ticket, I had to restrain my glee, because my bladder could hardly handle any additional excitement. What happened next, you ask? Well, obviously I made it home in time to pee, people!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:55:09 +0000

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