Footwork. I think that I confuse people when I simply say footwork - TopicsExpress


Footwork. I think that I confuse people when I simply say footwork and leave it at that. I usually say just footwork because the total science of the moving of our feet is still well beyond my grasp. My feet still do what they want to do when they want to do it. Sometimes they make me look good, mostly they have a mind of their own. High level footwork requires that we chase our balance. So we have to take into consideration when in a fight situation-our foot movement-our opponents foot movement-and both of our foot movements working for and against one another on a second by second basis. Whew! Can we say complex? Chasing balance? Yes. We will move from one stable position to another-with moments of unbalance in between. Chase and then recover-chase and then recover. Under full sail we are probably less stable than actually stable during any fight. Stand still? Of course-you just became a power hitter. Flit around and constantly move and throw lots of blows? Youve just became a multi-hitter. Stay outside and use length and angulation as a defense? You just became a boxer. Boxers give hell to power punchers. Power punchers give hell to multi-punchers. Multi-punchers give hell to boxers. The same holds true for punching or slinging a stick. Why is it like it is? Multi-punchers get right up in peoples faces. They are tailor made for a power hitter. Boxers tease the power hitters, they stay outside and pick and counterpunch and play a deadly game with the power hitter. Multi-hitters get right up and against boxers and deluge them with blows. All of the fighting styles have merit and worth. Some of these styles are a natural result of physical makeup. Personally-I cant grow reach and so I would generally make a poor boxer, because of lack of reach. If I can hit hard-I might make a power puncher. Id probably be forced to become a multi-hitter. We have to learn to use what we have and not cry about it. But werent we talking about footwork? All of the fighting styles mentioned have their own respective footwork! A little more or a little less, because most of us are never one particular fighting style-we are usually a blend. Footwork right? We were talking about footwork. I dont run from people when I play-even though it looks like it. I position myself-just like a pool player. I try to set myself up for the next shot. How funny that two very challenging sports both involve sticks and strategy. I move and dont stop. When people watch any of my video I usually just remain in one spot, but I wouldnt do this in real life. In real life i wouldnt stop moving. I would be constantly angling for the next shot. I like to be two shots (strikes) ahead of my opponent at all times. Believe it or not this is easier than it sounds. Most FMA systems were designed to deal with at least two sides at all times. If I go left and outside of my opponent: If he does anything-I can be prepared. If I went outside of him and he swung toward my left shoulder-anything that he comes back at me with will come back at me-with me-taking him on from his outside. A straight down the shoot drop hit will catch anything that will come at me from my outside position. A straight down shot from me will catch a high, medium, or a low blow thats coming from his backhand. Confused? Its OK. Its why I teach and others teach. Lets just say that my teacher the late Angel Cabales understood this and much much more. Some video? Soon. People are coming. I will put the video up when its made.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:03:46 +0000

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