For 10 likes I shall do: Any scars? Yup Crush? I have four - TopicsExpress


For 10 likes I shall do: Any scars? Yup Crush? I have four because im a thirsty hoe (ofc ofc), S, J, H & C Coke or Pepsi? Coke Height? 510 Dream job? Games Creator Ever been in love? No Last time I cried? Lastnight ._. Favourite colour? Peacock Blue Birthday? 7th November 1997 Eye colour? Hazelly Browny Black Hair colour? Icey silver blue Age? 16, 17 in November Do I love someone? No Kiss or hug? Hug Favourite song? Currently, Magic! - Rude Favourite band? Currently, American Authors Worst thing thats ever happened to me? Being Bullied Best thing thats ever happened to me? Meeting Shaun & Daniel One wish? To redo half of my life Near death experience? Hit by a car.. twice Someone I can tell anything? Shaun & Henry Best Friends? Shaun, Lucy, Henry, Jordan, Jack, Adie, Daniel Jack & Callum People you think are rad? Brodie, Adam, Morgan & Coree Am I okay? Yeah, :) Favorite TV show? Breaking Bad Worst mistake? Losing my old friends Ever dated someone? Yup. Relationship status? Single Favourite game? Bioshock Favourite place? Abandoned farm Favourite movie? Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Best memory? Liverpool 2013 Worse memory? Losing Daniel as a friend.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:07:20 +0000

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