For 5 years, 2000-2005, I lived in Europe and twice President Bush - TopicsExpress


For 5 years, 2000-2005, I lived in Europe and twice President Bush flew to Europe for conferences; his plane arrived secretly, he was hurriedly secretly taken to a secure secret place, attended the private conference, and secretly flown out of Europe and the public never caught sight of him; once after I had left Europe, President Bush secretly went to Europe, he did attend a public news conference and a reporter threw a shoe at him. When President Bush gave speeches in the U.S.A., it was always before servicemen on a military base and never in public forum. On 09/11/2001, President Bush was nowhere to be seen, he safely was flying in circles over America on the advice from the Secret Service; it was the intelligent thing to do. During the WWII bombing of London, the Queen of England was walking the streets of London. Neither the news or the People condemned either President Bush or the British Queen for what they did. Personally, I thought that was very prudent of President Bush to take adequate care for safety and I certainly was personally thankful that he took every precaution to protect his person, for it was always my fear that something would happen to President Bush and the much more sadistic Dick Cheney would become President of the United States of America; for eight years, Dick Cheney was a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and I personally did not trust Cheney to be my President. President Obama has been to Europe, Asia, and Africa many times, before and since he has been President and he consistently appears in public giving speeches, and/or meeting the local people; frankly, it is discerning to me. Since President Obama has been President, it was reported that he has received more death threats than all other Presidents in American history; yet, President Obama is always showing up in public places, giving speeches in public parks at night to thousands of people, he is presently traveling across country giving speeches at public forums, and occasionally he is going into McDonald’s for a hamburger and talking to the servers and customers. Frankly, it scares the crap out of me, because in case no one noticed, President Obama is African-American, and in America, even White policemen and neighborhood watch volunteers in the United States, shoot African-American men with impunity. What is particularly scary in America, it to see the Republican extremist hate-filled Tea Party, NRA advocates having a political rally with AK-47s strapped over their shoulders and I remember one such incident, when one showed up at a town hall meeting of President Obama with a rifle over his shoulder. About neither President Obama nor members of his cabinet being at the Paris Rally Against Terrorism, it should be understood that this was a spur of the moment demonstration, it is an 8 hour flight to Paris from Washington D.C., much preparation has to be made for an American Officer of State to travel, and President Obama made his position on terrorism very clear in the Sony Hack situation and the hate-filled Republicans and the all Republican news media condemned him for interfering with the private sector Sony’s business. And to be totally correct, Attorney-General Holder was in Paris during the demonstration and was working at the time. To the Corporate American, Republican news media President Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Corporate American news media is obviously censored for the benefit of Corporate America and that is, of course, also the Republican Party’s interests. What do the American People think? The majority of the American People voted for President Obama, twice, and the American People voted for all the things that President Obama has accomplished that Republicans condemn, and two thirds of the American voters, in disgust, did not even cast their vote in the 2014 Midterm Elections in which 16% of the American voters elected a Republican majority of both Houses of Congress. The vast majority of the American People are working Middle Class and Poor; the power of the ballot of the working Middle Class and poor has been denied them by the 5 extremist Republican Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United Decision’, Voter Suppression laws enacted by extremist Republican State Legislatures, Republican Party Gerrymandering, and the few Corporate American Conglomerates who own, control, edit, and censor all of the American news media that ‘dumbs-down’ the American People. The American democratic Republic has become a radical Republican plutocratic oligarchy and the common People of America no longer have a voice in their government; in 2014, the American common People were so devastated that they did not even vote! President Obama did not walk in the crowd of a million demonstrators during the Paris anti-Terrorist demonstration; but, no one can question where he stands on the issue and certainly not the ‘New York Daily News’.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:26:50 +0000

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