For 9 long years, Saul hounded David as “one hunts a partridge - TopicsExpress


For 9 long years, Saul hounded David as “one hunts a partridge in the mountains” (1 Sam. 26:20 Dont let me be killed on foreign soil, away from the LORD. Why should the king of Israel come to kill a flea like me? Why should he hunt me down like a wild bird?). “How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?” David prayed. “How long will You hide Your face from me? . . . How long will my enemy be exalted over me?” (Psalm. 13:1-2 How much longer will you forget me, LORD? Forever? How much longer will you hide yourself from me? 2 How long must I endure trouble? How long will sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me? ). Prolonged affliction often vexes us as well. We want a sudden solution, a quick fix. But some things can’t be fixed. They can only be borne. But we can complain to God in our troubles. We have a heavenly Father who wants us to engage with Him in our struggles. He understands His children as no one else can. When we turn to Him with our complaints, we come to our senses. In David’s case, his thoughts went back to life’s certainty: God’s love. David reminded himself: “I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me” (vv.5-6 I rely on your constant love; I will be glad, because you will rescue me.6 I will sing to you, O LORD, because you have been good to me. ). Sufferings may persist, but David could sing in the midst of his trials, for he was God’s beloved child. That’s all he needed to know. A. W. Thorold writes, “The highest pinnacle of the spiritual life is not happy joy in unbroken sunshine, but absolute and undoubting trust in the love of God.” Even in our troubles, God’s love can be trusted. GODS LOVE STANDS WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:29:25 +0000

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