For A Friend There are times when Life or parts of Life seem - TopicsExpress


For A Friend There are times when Life or parts of Life seem unmanageable, frustrating, and even infuriating, but theres an answer to every question, a solution to every problem, and manageability where none appears to exist! Years ago I would have thought differently, but gratefully, I changed, and as I did all I mentioned above came true, and not under the most comfortable of conditions or circumstances! It was mostly my perspective, narrow-minded, fearful, and controlling, concepts which had to change in me, and, in varying degrees, did change thankfully! Will I ever feel fear, helplessness, or anxiety again? More than likely I will, its quite Human to feel those things, but as the mind slows down, the best part of being Human has the opportunity to be at its “Best”, Humble, not a sign of weakness, rather one of Mankinds greatest strengths, and it has never failed me, even in my most difficult challenges! One particular challenge came during my efforts to be part of the Entertainment World! It was early in the Career, and Austerity was the normal “Word of The Day”, but unforeseen things happened out of my control, and for a brief period I was homeless, hungry, and tired in the height of one of the coldest Winters in some time! Five dollars was a Fortune to me, I could eat! I had fairly warm clothing, so as I walked the streets at night to keep from freezing to death, there was plenty of opportunity for self-pity, but I kept believing and doing what I could do! My face was dripping with icicles from the moisture in my eyes, and I knew I needed to eat, I was starving and knew it! There was a familiar all-night restaurant I knew about and had once frequented it, so I walked some forty blocks to it, and having not a penny to my name, humbly asked if I might have a small meal which I would be able to pay for in a few days with money I was expecting from a gig I was scheduled to work! The waitress gave me a menu and said, “Eat All You Want”, but I settled for a simple and humble sandwich and soda and some coffee as well! That meal got me through until I could work, and I went back to that restaurant to pay for my meal, but the owner wouldnt take my money, and then told me the waitress paid my bill and instructed the owner she didnt want to be paid back, so I left, bewildered, humble, and grateful, yet feeling guilty! I wanted to pay for that desperate meal, had the money, so I could, but then I couldnt, left me thankful, but perplexed, that waitress didnt know me, and I kind of figured she wasnt Independently Wealthy herself, but very, very generous! I learned a valuable lesson that day, one which I employ often today when I can, being helpful to a stranger can sometimes have more rewards than being helpful to a friend, its a generosity not found too often nowadays! About a month later, life was more manageable, I was working pretty steady, had a small place to live, could eat, and even had some money set aside, so I returned to that restaurant, asked when that kind waitress would be working, and came back during her shift, sat in her section(she didnt remember me, I looked a bit different), but I ordered a modest meal, ate, and then left a Fifty-Dollar Tip, and was gone from the restaurant by the time the waitress probably saw it! Things dont always happen on my “Timeline”, and sometimes for good reasons, but mostly because “Thats The Way Life Works”, always has, and probably always will, and Ive discovered some Wisdom in Living Life on Lifes Terms, I do plan, but dont expect, rather accept, and do what I can, and for some strange reason Life just gets “Manageable”! I realize that isnt a popular or contemporary way of living, but it has its rewards, most of them are “Surprises”, and pleasant ones, but I never forget kindness, and when Im able always try to repay those kindnesses, perhaps not always to the person who provided them, that isnt always possible, so I always have strangers I can extend that kindness, and I learned that on a Very Cold and Lonely Night many years ago, didnt even have to search The Web for it! Kindness, answers, even questions come quite often as “Surprises”, and Im always grateful when I can provide a “Surprise”! They also dont come in any particular order or time line I have control of, and I think that helps me to stay Humble, but Im quite sure there are many more things which contribute to Humility as well(?)! As Im also quite sure there are many things which detract from Humility, my task is understanding “Which is Which”!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 09:58:39 +0000

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