For Abigail Smith, I read your status about wanting to diet and - TopicsExpress


For Abigail Smith, I read your status about wanting to diet and was going to leave a comment, but thought I may aswell share what I have to say with people who are in a similar position: Hunny dont ever diet x it isnt all what people make it out to be xx the best piece of advice i can ever give is not to diet xx it wont bring you the self love you obviously need xx all it does is fuel the self hatred inside you that believes you need to change your body for your mind when actually... why dont you change your mind to accept any body shape? This way you would be all set for life :D x our body is like fluid, it morphs and moves, thats life, thats the beauty of life, and we need to accept it, embrace it xx dieting can fuel self-hatred to such an extent that you could suffer from an eating disorder and/or depression before you know it xx dieting is masked as being strong where food/carbs/fat/sugar is the devil and you are giving in or being weak if you are tempted by it x when actually it takes a whole lot more strength to eat it anyway, despite what these disordered thoughts, tabloids and maybe some of your friends and family are persuading you to do x You think you are stronger for restricting when actually you are stronger for fulfilling your truest, most nourishing, core cravings (note: make sure these cravings are from your heart, not from the disordered heart) xx it seems like you need guidance to lead you away from this self destructive path xx you might just ignore me and figure it out for yourself then go back to square 1 or keep going with the diet for years and get admitted to hospital/therapy , or you could listen to me and forget it, or you could truly be changed by what I have said and preach it to others xx hey, you might think I am completely loony and over reacting, just please remember a lot of eating disorders start with a simple diet, and it takes 2 or 3 times longer (sometimes your whole life) to recover from one compared to how long you started to suffer x dieting is not worth it, self-acceptance is xx I am here when you want me and when you dont, remember taste is one of the senses so restricting what you taste is like restricting life x Its your choice, I cant force you to free yourself from this mental enslavement and harsh rules you set for yourself , I can only guide you, because you cant drag someone out of slavery ,you have to walk out on your own two feet into the beautiful world of unconditional love and nourishment and acceptance
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:56:34 +0000

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