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For Facebook on Ralls County Historical Society Please Post -------------- Ralls County Herald - Enterprise Volume 149, No. 18 New London, Missouri 63459 The County Paper - An Area Tradition Since 1865 - Ralls County, Missouri Thursday, May 1, 2014 Page 1a, Center of page Page 6a, Center to bottom left FORMER SENATOR STEPHEN GLASCOCK TO BE HONORED The State of Missouri will honor the former State Senator May 1 The Missouri House of Representatives, Missouri State Senate and Governor Jay Nixon have all issued special resolutions to honor former Missouri State Senator, Missouri State Representative, Ralls County Court Clerk and Judge, former Deputy Surveyor General of the United States (MO/IL) and Hannibals most progressive founding father, Stephen Glascock, of rural New London, Missouri for his outstanding contributions to the State of Missouri, the City of Hannibal, Ralls County and Northeast Missouri. May 1st, 2014, will be a day to remember Senator Glascock for his numerous life achievements. Stephen Glascock was born on October 30th, 1779 in Fauquier County, Virginia, the son of Hezekiah Glascock and Sarah Stephens. The Glascocks are an old colonial family who came to Virginia from London, England in 1643. Glascock attended the College of William and Mary in Virginia and graduated with a degree in Mathematics in 1805. He came to Missouri on horseback in 1816. Glascock was a land speculator and purchased parcels of land in Osage, Missouri; Ralls County and Hannibal. Glascock along with Senator Thomas Hart Benton, William Rector & others laid out the town of Osage, Missouri in June of 1819. It was recently discovered that Glascock purchased a property in Hannibal with his gold pocket watch. Glascock gave several parcels of land to the City of Hannibal including a large area of Hannibals riverfront that was to be used for a steamboat landing and for recreational use. Today part of this parcel is called Glascocks Landing. In addition, Glascock bought an island in the Mississippi River east of Hannibals riverfront called Glascocks Island. It was these two famous landmarks that inspired a young writer and humorist from Hannibal, Samuel Langhorn Clemens, better known as Mark Twain to write about his childhood memories and adventures. Glascock also set aside parcels of land on North 7th St. and Paris Avenue from Hill Street to past Rock St for a city cemetery and/or churchyard. In addition, he set aside land for a city square and park now known as Central Park. He also set aside land for the use of churches (one city block) that ran from 5th Street to 6th Street from Broadway to Center Street. It is local legend here and recorded in history books that Stephen Glascock brought prime Virginia bluegrass seed from his parents farm in Fauquier County, Virginia and sewed this seed throughout Ralls County, Missouri and the Hannibal area. And while as a Ralls County clerk and judge, Glascock, helped create several Northeast Missouri counties as part of his public service. Stephen Glascock died September 18th, 1855 at his rural home and farm off New London Gravel Road in Ralls County, Missouri. He was buried on his own farm that stretched from the Salt River bluffs north of New London to Camp Creek Road on the east side of New London Gravel Road. He prepared his own family cemetery with his own hands and his body lies at peace there to this day originally marked with a headstone. He has left behind numerous Glascock family and cousins in both Ralls and Marion counties. Resolutions were sponsored by Rep. Jim Hansen and Senator Brian Munzlinger of Northeast Missouri along with Missouri Governor Jay Nixon issuing his own proclamation. Anyone with information regarding the cemetery location and headstone of Senator Stephen Glascock in the previously described area which includes the Rivere Au Sel Estates subdivision is asked to contact the Glas(s)cock Family Society of the USA at: glascocksociety@hotmail --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great Seal of the State of Missouri Office of the Governor State of Missouri Proclamation WHEREAS, Stephen Glascock, of rural Ralls County, Missouri, has left a lasting imprint on the history of the state of Missouri, serving as a Missouri State Senator and Missouri State Representative for Ralls County and Northeast Missouri; and WHEREAS, Stephen Glascock served as a Ralls County Judge and as Ralls County Court Clerk, helping to set up many new counties in Northeast Missouri; and WHEREAS, Stephen Glascock set aside many parcels of land to the City of Hannibal for a City Square and Park (Central Park), a city block for churches between North 5th and North 6th Streets from Broadway to Center Streets, a city cemetery on North 7th Street and Paris Avenue, and a steamboat landing and recreational park on Hannibals riverfront (Glascocks Landing); and WHEREAS, the island in the middle of the Mississippi River known as Glascocks Island and Glascocks Landing influenced one of the worlds most famous authors, Mark Twain, to write about Hannibal and the fictional characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn; and WHEREAS, Stephen Glascock was born in Fauquier County, Virginia on October 30, 1779 and died in rural New London, Missouri in Ralls County on September 18, 1855, and was laid to rest in his family cemetery on his farm on New London Gravel Road; and WHEREAS, on May 1, 2014, the Glascock Family Society of the United States of America will celebrate the life of Stephen Glascock and his public service to the State of Missouri. NOW THEREFORE, I, Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2014, to be SENATOR STEPHEN GLASCOCK DAY IN MISSOURI IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, this 17th day of April, 2014. GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI (governors signature) Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon Governor Attest: (secretary of states signature) Jason Kander Secretary of State --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================== SENATE STATE OF MISSOURI Whereas, the members of the Missouri Senate proudly pause to recognize the late Honorable Stephen Glascock, a former judge and Missouri state legislator, for his numerous contributions to the City of Hannibal, Ralls County, and northeast Missouri; and Whereas, a Ralls County judge and clerk, Senator Glascock served the citizenry of Ralls County for many years as a member of both the Missouri Senate and the Missouri House of Representatives; and Whereas, a descendant of the Colonial Virginia Glascocks who came to Virginia from England in 1643, Senator Glascock was born in Fauquier County, Virginia, on October 30, 1779, to Hezekiah Glascock and Sarah Stephens Glascock; and Whereas, Senator Glascock graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in mathematics in 1805, and was appointed Deputy Surveyor General under William Rector (Missouri/Illinois); and Whereas, Stephen Glascock gave many parcels of land to the City of Hannibal for Central Park, churches, and a city cemetery, and bought a prime piece of land, the riverfront area between Bear Creek and North Street, which he gave to the City as a steamboat landing and recreational area; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock also purchased Glascocks Island in the middle of the Mississippi River across from Hannibals riverfront, which is also known as Jacksons Island in Mark Twains books; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock brought Virginia bluegrass from Fauquier County and sowed see throughout Ralls County, and helped establish numerous new counties in northeast Missouri while serving as a county judge: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that we, the members of the Missouri Senate, Ninety-seventh General Assembly, join in posthumously honoring Stephen Glascock for his generosity and lasting contributions to the citizenry of Hannibal, Ralls County, and northeast Missouri; and Be It Further Resolved that the Secretary of the Senate be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution in memory of the late Stephen Glascock. Offered by Senator Munzlinger (signed: Brian Munzlinger) STATE OF MISSOURI: CITY OF JEFFERSON: SS SENATE CHAMBER: I, TOM DEMPSEY, President Pro Tem of the Senate, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a full, true and completed copy of Senate Resolution No. 1904 offered into and adopted on April 22, 2014, as fully as the same appears of record. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Senate of the State of Missouri this 22nd day of April, A.D. 2014. (SEAL) SENATE STATE OF MISSOURI signed Tom Dempsey PRESIDENT PRO TEM 97TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY =================================================== MISSOURI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [United We Stand Divided We Fall SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX ESTO] RESOLUTION Whereas, the members of the Missouri House of Representatives hold in high esteem those organizations and events that strive to preserve the past for the betterment of today and the future; and Whereas, the Glascock Family Society of the USA will celebrate the inaugural Senator Stephen Glascock Day on May 1, 2014; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock was born on September 18, 1855, in Fauquier County, Virginia; graduated in 1805 from the College of William and Mary; was appointed Deputy Surveyor General for Missouri and Illinois; and settled in rural New London in Ralls County, Missouri; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock made many contributions to the city of Hannibal, Ralls County, the northeast Missouri region, and the entire state as a Ralls County Court judge and clerk, Missouri State Representative, and Missouri Senator; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock owned an island in the Mississippi River at Hannibal that was featured in the writings of Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Clemens, as Jacksons Island; and Whereas, Stephen Glascock provided the city of Hannibal with land to develop as the town square, parks, a cemetery, the location of churces, and the riverfront for a steamboat landing and recreational area; and Whereas, with seed brought from his parents farm in Fauquier County, Stephen Glascock sowed Virginia bluegrass throughout Ralls County and the Hannibal area and altered the appearance of the landscape; and Whereas, after his death on September 18, 1855, Stephen Glascock was buried on his family farm between the bluffs overlooking Salt River: Now, therefore, be it resolved that we, the members of the Missouri House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh General Assembly, join unanimously to reflect on the life and work of Stephen Glascock as an early member of the Missouri General Assembly and to convey this legislative bodys most heartfelt commendation of the actions of the Glascock Family Society of the USA in celebrating his legacy; and Be it further resolved that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution in honor of Stephen Glascock of Ralls County, Missouri. Offered by (signed Jim Hansen) Representative Jim Hansen District No. 40 (Seal) MISSOURI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I, Timothy W. Jones, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh General Assembly, Second Regular Session, do certify that the above is a true and correct copy of House Resolution No. 2349, adopted April 23, 2014. (signed) Tim Jones Timothy W. Jones, Speaker Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 13:15:30 +0000

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