For God said that if they were unified, they could accomplish - TopicsExpress


For God said that if they were unified, they could accomplish anything. And God confused their speech and scattered them across the earth. (Paraphrase of the end of the story of the Tower of Babel). I think this is the only time in the Bible where God actually caused division (However, it was for their sake. They were trying to settle down in one place instead of being fruitful and multiplying and subduing the earth, like God had commanded them to do. God was being a good dad by doing this, by setting them up for success). What is under attack right now in, specifically, America? Unity. Unity of what? Unity of the genders. Unity of the generations. Unity of race. I wont delve into the theology about Unity under the New Covenant. Theres a lot to go into with that, including all the different things that entails. But what I will say is this: I believe that the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 was the reestablishment of Unity through the Holy Spirit (in a dense nutshell. You are empowered to do your own bible study. Compare the Tower of Babel to the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2). Im saying all of that to say this: Satan knows how powerful of a people we can be (with the Holy Spirit) if were unified. So of course it makes sense that Unity has been under attack for decades (The Civil War, anyone?). And with our latest mindless assaults in Ferguson, its now more apparent than ever that satan fears a united people (if it wasnt apparent before). He has blinded and deceived all of these rioters in Ferguson in order to drive the wedge of division even further into their psyche. Deception only works because you dont know youre being deceived. Pray for Ferguson. Pray for clarity. Pray that the veil of deception will be lifted.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:19:32 +0000

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