“For God so loved WHAT world? The Jesus Seal Orderly - TopicsExpress


“For God so loved WHAT world? The Jesus Seal Orderly Arrangement” Tithes1.mysite This is a powerful, Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost inspired book, and discourse that was jointly and prayerfully studied and compiled by Author “Brother Samuel” L.s. Ford, with Brother C.A. Chandler, and my dad, Brother John D. Ford, with the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost as our constant Teacher, Guide and Witness per the 1611 A.D. King James Holy Bible. As Christ Jesus said in red letters: When the Spirit of truth is come, he will GUIDE you into ALL truth. (John 16:13) For the Holy Ghost shall TEACH you in that same hour what ye ought to say. (Luke 12:12) (Verbatim scriptures, except we capitalized 4 words.) The Spirit itself bears WITNESS with our spirit, that we are the children of God. (Romans 8:16) This book is a discourse that took over 35 years to bring to print and we guarantee that once you begin to read and study it you will want to continue to the last page. To get hardcopy volume I and/or volume II of this enlightening and illuminating study guide Book for the 1611 A.D. “version” of the King James Holy Bible: Send an email for information to hawkshaw21@netzero And we will give you the U.S. Post Office address to Send a donation of $29.95 + $5.00 postage for 1 volume: or $50.00 + $10.00 postage for both volumes I and II (We also use PayPal and ebay) However, we don’t have an ebook yet. For 25-plus years Brother Samuel, L.s. Ford, offered first his $1,000.00 CHALLENGE: And then raised it to $2,000.00 on his Holy Spirit filled radio program “The Minutes of Truth” To anyone on the earth that could bring just one (1) solitary verse of King James Holy Bible Proving that either: John the Baptist; (The baptiser) or Christ The Messiah or The Apostle Paul; Ever, Ever COLLECTED or paid tithe(s) or a 10th: Or that either of the 3 Ever, Ever taught anyone else to COLLECT or pay tithe(s) and/or a 10th! Welcome To My Homepage: tithes.tvheaven/ WHO? BY PROXY, illegally uses the Levite Priesthood Format to COLLECT a 10th and then name it a COMMANDED TITHEs??? The PSEUDO-PROXYLEVITEPROXY-TARES: Who on Gods earth are they? Go To Tithes1.mysite For the answer: “For God so loved WHAT world? The Jesus Seal Orderly Arrangement” Tithes1.mysite This is a powerful, Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost inspired book, and discourse that was jointly and prayerfully studied and compiled by Author “Brother Samuel” L.s. Ford, with Brother C.A. Chandler, and my dad, Brother John D. Ford, with the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost as our constant Teacher, Guide and Witness per the 1611 A.D. King James Holy Bible. As Christ Jesus said in red letters: When the Spirit of truth is come, he will GUIDE you into ALL truth. (John 16:13) For the Holy Ghost shall TEACH you in that same hour what ye ought to say. (Luke 12:12) (Verbatim scriptures, except we capitalized 4 words.) The Spirit itself bears WITNESS with our spirit, that we are the children of God. (Romans 8:16) This book is a discourse that took over 35 years to bring to print and we guarantee that once you begin to read and study it you will want to continue to the last page. To get hardcopy volume I and/or volume II of this enlightening and illuminating study guide Book for the 1611 A.D. “version” of the King James Holy Bible: Send an email for information to hawkshaw21@netzero And we will give you the U.S. Post Office address to Send a donation of $29.95 + $5.00 postage for 1 volume: or $50.00 + $10.00 postage for both volumes I and II (We also use PayPal and ebay) However, we don’t have an ebook yet. For 25-plus years Brother Samuel, L.s. Ford, offered first his $1,000.00 CHALLENGE: And then raised it to $2,000.00 on his Holy Spirit filled radio program “The Minutes of Truth” To anyone on the earth that could bring just one (1) solitary verse of King James Holy Bible Proving that either: John the Baptist; (The baptiser) or Christ The Messiah or The Apostle Paul; Ever, Ever COLLECTED or paid tithe(s) or a 10th: Or that either of the 3 Ever, Ever taught anyone else to COLLECT or pay tithe(s) and/or a 10th! Welcome To My Homepage: tithes.tvheaven/ WHO? BY PROXY, illegally uses the Levite Priesthood Format to COLLECT a 10th and then name it a COMMANDED TITHEs??? The PSEUDO-PROXYLEVITEPROXY-TARES: Who on Gods earth are they? Go To Tithes1.mysite For the answer:
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:32:11 +0000

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