For "God" so loved the world, that HE gave his only begotten Son. - TopicsExpress


For "God" so loved the world, that HE gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever shall believe in Him(The Son Jesus), shall not perish but have ever lasting life. For "GOD Sent" not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him(Jesus" might be saved!(John 3:16-17) Jesus in the garden prayed and said "Father if it be all possible, let this cup pass from me, But nevertheless not my will(Jesus) But thine(God) will be done. Jesus was telling the father if there be any other way to save mankind then he didnt want to die. But Jesus said not His will, which was not to have to die. But let the will of the Father be done. He was saying Father its not my will to die, but if its yours that i die for your children, then let it be so. On the cross there was more than 12 legions of angels standing by to deliver Jesus on his command. But He chose to let the Fathers will be done. Christ suffered and the some for his Brothers and Sisters as we are. He was the Son of God and we are by the blood of Christ Children of God. Some days when i make a mess of them, and stubble and fall. I hang my head in shame. He done so much and didnt let the Father down, He carried out the Fathers will and did it all for you and i that we may be called the Children of God. I honestly want to live up to that name that He gave his life so we could inherit, "Child of God" Have a good morning everyone. GOD Bless!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:35:29 +0000

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