For Jews to deny The Protocols of Zion they sure seem to be - TopicsExpress


For Jews to deny The Protocols of Zion they sure seem to be self-fulfilling with pin-point accuracy. Since 2008 personally feel it was Hillary U.S. opened U.S. embassy in Poland. Did Hillary 60+ million dollars help fund George Soros media control in Europe and Poland? The Gazeta Wyborcza seems to paint Soros as a messiah type figure humanitarian when Soros is nothing but that. George Soros’ International School of Youth Corruption. Will George Soros and his puppets like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama use tax funding to paint himself as a Saint on taxpayers dime? Is George Soros and his 60s Radicals the power behind this radical change in our media, and youth? Soros remarks on Alchemy and his enchantments on leaders in earlier book was disturbing to say the least. Its amazing him openly bragging that his service to Hitler during Holocost was Happiest Time of his life yet Jews boast his Jewish lineage and his wealth although gained while destroying nations and free market never saying anything about his part in the genocide (Holocaust) they use as a shield from any scruitiny on their behavior. When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck its a duck!! https://youtube/watch?v=SEcyBRQpSWg When Money Chooses Sides. Soros funding of Barack Obama campaign. nymag/news/politics/30634/ George Soros’ International School of Youth Corruption George Soros appears to be king of poland and virtually owns Gazeta Wyborcza which seems to be centered around George Soros self-fulling his goal of messianic god. euro-synergies.hautetfort/archive/2011/08/03/george-soros-international-school-of-youth-corruption.html In his book Underwriting Democracy of 1993, George Soros claims to be ? together with his associate, professor Jeffrey Sachs ? a true Funding Father (or rather a Godfather) of all these Protocols of Zion styled reforms, which we had to suffer in Eastern Europe. Gazeta Wyborcza was established... as a daily representing the [US government, George Soros and National Endowment for Democracy-backed] Solidarity opposition during this crucial 1989 election that saw the ouster of the incumbent government and the success of the so-called Velvet According to the Polish American Library, the National Endowment for Democracy was actually the original funding source for Gazeta Wyborcza. Moreover, in 2000, Gazeta Wyborcza awarded George Soros with the title of Man of Year for his support to civil society movement in Eastern and Central Europe. Soros had of course been very active in his support of Solidarity, and in 1988 he created the Stefan Batory Foundation (an ostensibly independent private Polish foundation) to help direct his democracy-manipulating efforts. Currently the Batory Foundations largest funder, aside from the Open Society Institute, is the Ford Foundation, but the Batory Foundation has also received funding from other democratic groups like the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House. [1] Today, with Soros Fund is linked in Poland the most influential journal Gazeta Wyborcza which journal already in 1989 paved the way for the Solidarity electoral victory over PZPR, the declining at that time Polish Communist Party. In Slovakia with Soros Invisible Empire is linked the TV station Markiza, which helped to remove, during 1998 elections, the supposedly undemocratic Meciars government. Hillarys repeal of Smith-Mundt Act as well as 60+Million dollars to fund propaganda both here and abroad is creating a situation of unprecedented media control. Formed “on the eve of the [Polish] parliamentary elections in 1989”, Agora’s website notes that Gazeta Wyborcza was the “first independent newspaper in Poland, while Agora grew into one of the largest and most renowned media companies in Central and Eastern Europe.” Gazeta Wyborcza “was established… as a daily representing the Solidarity opposition”, but their website neglects to mention that this political party, Solidarity, obtained vital support from the CIA, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the notorious democracy manipulator George Soros. Moreover, according to the Polish American Library, the National Endowment for Democracy “was the original funding source for Gazeta Wyborcza”. George Soros was highly active in supporting the work of Solidarity, and in 1988 he created the Stefan Batory Foundation (an ostensibly “independent private Polish foundation”) to help direct his democracy manipulating efforts. Currently the Batory Foundation’s largest funder, aside from the Open Society Institute, is the Ford Foundation, but the Batory Foundation has also received funding from other ‘democratic’ groups like the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, and the Institute of International Education. Writing in 2004, Srdja Trifkovic notes that the: “Hoi polloi are force-fed the daily fare of OSI [Open Society Institute] agitprop by ‘the Soros media’… from the Gazeta Wyborcza in Warsaw to Danas (Today) in Serbia, the Monitor in Montenegro, the Markiza TV channel in Bratislava, and Vreme weekly and the B-92 electronic media conglomerate in Belgrade. They invariably parrot Soros’ views and ambitions, reflected by the agenda of the local Soros foundation at home and, in world affairs, by the International Crisis Group (ICG), largely financed by Soros and run by his appointees.” (For more information on some of these media groups see later) Given the intimate relations that exist between George Soros and the National Endowment for Democracy it is little surprise that in 2000, Gazeta Wyborcza, “awarded him the title of the Man of Year for his “support of the development of democracy, education and civil society in the countries of the CEE [Central and Eastern Europe] region.”
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:27:19 +0000

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