For: Jozlynn *Tony and Jozlynn are sitting on a low branch of a - TopicsExpress


For: Jozlynn *Tony and Jozlynn are sitting on a low branch of a tree; the tree they meet up on almost daily. Tony has just arrived and sees Jozlynn waving at him. He runs over and greets her with a hug* Tony: Hey you! Howve you been? Jozlynn: Eh... so so. Tony: why so so? *Tony looks into her eyes worried* Jozlynn: Uh... I dont want to talk about it. *Jozlynn looks down* *Tony grabs Jozlynns hand and tilts her head up so shes looking at him* Tony: you can tell me anything you know. *Tony smiles* *Jozlynn begons to blush* Jozlynn: okay.... well.. its just.. my best friend passed away in a car accident last night. When I heard the news... I just... I just couldnt handle it. So I..... I... *Jozlynn trails off* Tony: you did it again... didnt you? *Tony looks disappointed* Jozlynn: Im sorry. I know I promised I wouldnt do it again but.... I just.... was in so much pain. I- *Tony grabs Jozlynns arm and rolls up her sleeve. He sees her scars and frowns. Then he looks up at her and smiles. He leans over and kisses her scars. She begins to tear up. He wraps his arms around her and strokes her head as she cries in his shoulder.* Jozlynn: are you mad at me? Tony: of course not. Why would you think I was? Jozlynn: I just.... I dont know. *Tony doesnt say anything. The two of them just sit on the branch and hold each other. By nightfall, Tony climbs down from the branch and helps Jozlynn down. They lay under the tree in the grass and look at the stars.* Tony: Jozlynn? Jozlynn: yeah? Tony: I.....I love you. Jozlynn: you do? Tony: yeah. I do. *Tony leans over and kisses Jozlynn* *The two of them lay next to each other until they fall asleep* Hope you liked it :) ~Creeper
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:54:58 +0000

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