For Maryrose! Here you go (: #imagine Today is the day. The day - TopicsExpress


For Maryrose! Here you go (: #imagine Today is the day. The day you will tell your best friend Niall that you are dating his best friend. You and Niall met in 3rd grade. Yall instantly became best friend, from middle school til a couple weeks ago, you had a HUGE crush on him. but you thought he didnt feel the same way so you gave up on him. Yesterday you and his bestfriend, Liam went on a date and Liam asked you to be his girlfriend, you said yes. but you wanted to tell Niall. You lived down the road from your house. you got up and walked down the road, you were still in your pjs and you didnt care. you went to Nialls house tons of times in your pjs. you knocked on the door and you see a sleepy Niall open the door. "Hey Maryrose! Babe, whats up?" He looked at you with confusion as to why you were at his house so early in the morning? "Ni, I need to tell you somthing" you replied. not looking him in the eyes" "you know you can tell me anything." He said smiling "Im dating Liam" you blurted out. His smile turned into a frown, he walked into the kitchen. Why was he sad? you thought to yourself. you get up and follow him. You turn him around and see water filled eyes. "Ni whats wrong?" you asked. "I had something to tell you to, but I guess im too late" he says sadly. "You can tell me anything, its never to late." you smile. "I cant tell you i have to show you" he asks. you nod. And in 3 seconds his lips crashed on to yours. He broke away and said " I have always loved you" You smile then remember Liam. You called him. "Hey Liam" "yeah i dont think so either." "friends forever and always." "Love you too" Niall looked at you for info. "liam said it doesnt feel right, and neither do I, so we are staying friends" Niall had a grin on his face. "But this" you said, and kissed him "does feel right." There ya go! -Kayla .xx
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 04:36:16 +0000

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