For Mthwakazis blind, and those who uncritically ingest the - TopicsExpress


For Mthwakazis blind, and those who uncritically ingest the rubbish fed the public by the press - both the so-called independent press and state media - what we have just seen in Zanu-PF in the last few months culminating in the weekend events is about the so-called succession issue. What twaddle! How can you have a succession issue where the incumbent has had that under tight leash for all his entire sorry rule? Also, shouldnt what we have just seen, if ever people were mistaken all along, have put paid to this truly fatuous idea - of a succession issue in Zanu-PF - and already led to a revision of this inane claim by the press? And the point isnt that by these purges - the Month of Long Machetes - Mugabe has crushed that idea of succession at all (it was never there in the first place), rather the point is the confirmation of the silliness of that idea in the first place. On the other hand, the idea could have been fed into Zanu-PFs system by Mugabe and his coterie of insiders in order to see takers, who by doing so, would single themselves out as potential mischief-makers and therefore Mugabes sitting targets for elimination at the right time. Fools took the bait. And Mugabe has struck! I mean, how long has anyone - even fools - known that that position was Mnangagwas, Mugabes well-known partner-in-crime? But all this is descriptive - there is nothing analytical there. Here, the true analysis doesnt lie in the minutiae of detail - such as we will be fed by all the commentarian press in the next weeks, months, and years to come ad nauseum - but rather in the vast universe of generalisation, out of which Zanu-PFs character has emerged and its true intentions acted out over a long time. In short, this analysis simply asks: who are Zanu-PF and what are their intentions? Zanu-PF is now a three-men tribal gang - down from a handful in the past years - operating behind the face of a political party. It is a tribal Mafia, a Trafia, if you like. Typically, stripped of its political cover, Zanu-PF is run by a God-father, and his nexts-in-crime, and assisted by an ever-expanding and always-renewed network of associates, messengers, informers, and enforcers spread across their patch. In Zimbabwe, the Trafia controls the State. And as for its intentions, we have long known it to be the Zimbabwe Project. The Zimbabwe Project is about a Shona State - rid of Ndebeles - and Shonalized. But that is only half the story. For this gang, it is more than that - and this is relevant for the rest of Zimbabwe - the Shona of Zimbabwe - as Didymus Mutasa, Joice Mujuru, and other recent purgees now know. For this gang, it has to be a Shona State, privatized and owned privately by this gang, its wives, children, dogs and cats. It is not even dynastization, that would give what this gang is doing a semblance of respectability; it is pure, crude, and promiscuous power that has nothing circumscribing it except itself. The word primitive is seldom used these days, but it has a compelling case for its application here. By the time Mugabe has managed to hide the crimes that hang over his head, through Emmerson Mnangagwa, and died, and by the time his two surviving accomplices have done the same, singly and in turn, and have also died, it will be time for their latest recruits as a partner-in-crime to protect themselves via their own appointees until they too die. The system is therefore constructed to go on and on this way - with each participant in crime incentivised to protect themselves in future by committing crimes of their own now so gross that they too have a stake in the continuation of the system as we see it today. Many will easily identify Zanu-PFs future Godfathers - now embedded in the system from yesterday - through their own crimes they committed way back in 2000 and 2005, and before. Emmerson Mnangagwas crimes are legendary, not even in a murderous sense, but in a purely criminal way, if the UN reports are to be believed about him and diamonds in the DRC. And if the Shona - dont even mention the Ndebele - ever believe they can remove such a heavily-tainted man like Mnangagwa from power later once they meekly allow him into power in the first place, then welcome to Emmerson Mnangagwa! People like Blessing Chebundo - to mention only one - are walking dead. In the last months, and weeks leading to the weekend gathering, we have seen typical Mafia vendettas unleashed with venom (we wanted more of them). Surprisingly, but sadly, what has been in short supply this time are whacks (murders, in Mafia-speak). And standing in the way of this easy transfer of State power amongst the gangsters, are the Ndebele - uMthwakazi - the enduring nemesis of the Zimbabwe Project. What we have seen in the last month culminating in the Gangs Gathering over the last weekend, is the gang re-setting the button to the Zimbabwe Project back to start. What we have just witnessed is the re-Zanufication, re-Shonalization of Zanu, and therefore of the Zimbabwe State. And no Mthwakazian needs help to interpret what that means. And on the tribalization front - on the re-Shonalization of the Zimbabwe State - Mugabe can never, and was never going to disappoint. Mugabe says he has appointed two Vice presidents (of some rather mouthful, bizarre description). That is - for as long as you are happy to pretend to be fooled. Already, before Mugabe could leak his bone-dry lips wet again following his appointments, news channels - even Al Jazeera - were already talking and analysing Mugabes next-in-crime - Emmerson Mnangagwa; otherwise better going by his more descriptive name in this context: the Butcher of Matebeleland. The truth is, Phelekezela Mphoko is Emmerson Mnangagwas secretary in a suit. Symbolically, Phelekezela Mphoko represents the Ndebeles put in their place in the Zimbabwe Project! And people like Jabulani Sibanda - and others - must now know, Zanu has its owners. Njalo, iZanu ayiwazi omnandi ukwedlula eminye! There was never going to be another Callistus Ndlovu or William Kona or Jacob Mudenda. There was always going to be another Sibanda - as there will be another Moyo, Nyoni, Khumalo, Khabo - and so on in the future - until Ndebele people came to be man enough to say enough is enough. And for the Shona people too! People like Joice Mujuru, Didymus Mutasa, and Border Gezi, Elliot Manyika etc before them - people who regarded themselves as Zanu-PFs insiders, and for many years architects and enforcers of the Zimbabwe Project - now know for a fact that Zanu-PF is a private project of a known Trafia that has just ruthlessly made this point to them too. The Mujurus and Mutasas will leak their way back to the fold - that is certain - but they now know that they will never sit at the top table - that parallel, highly-secretive, conspiring structure within the broader State that plans and executes murders, plants and interprets false evidence against targets, and administers poisons to its victims through the victims own hands. For the Ndebeles, what has just happened is no surprise at all. The Ndebeles knew and have always known that they were always going to arrive at yesterday. How else could it be? How would Emmerson Mnangagwa be guaranteed his own protection of office that has protected Mugabe so assuredly? How could Mnangagwa ever be expected to expect less? If the elevation of Emmerson Mnangagwa to this position is not another undeclared tribal war on the Ndebele - as their Gukurahundi was - let us wait and see what Ndebeles will say when a few months down the line one Perence Shiri is retired from the army and made the Commissioner of Police or is appointed to some such other security-related civilian structure! After an orchestrated stint in the police - or whatever - Perence Shiri will slither his way to the top of the apparatus of State and start his own rabid and angry survival programme. If he survives that long - or at all - Phelekezela Mphoko will go Joshua Nkomos way, or Simon Khayas way or Jabulani Sibandas way, if he doesnt Sidney Malungas way. In Zanu-PF, once you are in, you have voluntarily put plaster around your mouth, a blind-fold over your eyes, and voluntarily tied your hands behind your back, ready to be carted in a casket draped in a Zimbabwes flag to the Trafias cemetery one day soon. And once you are in the cage, you have caged your family too. Zanu-PF doesnt spare spouses, either, whether they have done wrong or not. They are you; an extension of you - fair prey. Mama MaFuyanes death carries the stink of poisoning from within Zanu-PF that continues to escape from her grave to this day. And is this not the Phelekezela Mphoko who was recently accused of being a member of, or of being sympathetic to, MLF while he was Zimbabwes ambassador to South Africa - izolo likabula leli? Lets wait and see if Mphoko outlives Emmerson Mnangagwa in office! Mpiyakhe Zondo.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 06:55:49 +0000

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