For National Get Out The Vote Day tomorrow, I prepared a speech I - TopicsExpress


For National Get Out The Vote Day tomorrow, I prepared a speech I may be giving. Rise Throughout American history our courage and our will to endure has been tested by forces both domestic and foreign. Our very birth as a free nation was fought by sheer will, perseverance, cleverness, and by force of arms. As a people, we united in the face of adversity. We put aside our differences to fight a common enemy or work towards a common goal. As Americans we all share a common destiny. No matter how hard we may try, the bonds that bind us together as a nation can never be broken for as long as we have faith in our Union. Our Union, indivisible, is the hallmark of our democratic experiment. That from many peoples, we are one; that no matter what differing passions we hold, or varying beliefs, we are one people and it is our duty to carry on this experiment for ourselves and our posterity. Therefore in the face of the trials and troubles that are now thrown against us, we must rise. We must rise against every instance of injustice and inequality. We must rise when the wealthy seek to supplant our voice with their vast sums of money. We must rise to the occasion so that we may endure. As a nation we must rise so that our democracy may not perish. We will rise and we will march to the ballot boxes throughout our country and have our will be done. When a politician would seek to block our access to the voting booth, we will rise against them. When a politician would seek to further poison our air, our water, and our land, we must rise against them. When a politician seeks to further fatten the wallets of the wealthy at the expense of the poor and downtrodden, we must rise against them. When a politician would seek to send our men and women in uniform to a far off battlefield for no decent reason, we must rise against them. When a politician lies to us, we must rise against them. When a politician would seek to weaken our rights to peacefully assemble, to speak our minds, to freely express ourselves, we must rise against them. I call on the impoverished to rise! I call on the young to rise! I call on the old to rise! I call on every person of color to rise! I call on the workers, the college students, and the stay at home parents, to rise! I call on you all to rise up and be heard and to be counted! I call on you to rise, not just as Americans, but as men and women, as human beings, as members of humanity to defend and preserve your destiny. Let us rise up not for just our own sake, but for the future generations yet to come. If we do not rise to the occasion now, then when? When trumpets sound and the sky falls? No. Let this day serve as the point when we woke up from our haze of apathy and preserved our way of life. Rise.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:12:53 +0000

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