For Neila: When I agreed that Niall and Harry could help me with - TopicsExpress


For Neila: When I agreed that Niall and Harry could help me with my golfing, I forgot how bad I actually was. No, I wasn’t just bad. I was God awful. "Hey Y/N, you know the object of the game is to HIT the ball right?" Niall laughed from the golf cart, he was tired of waiting around for me to actually putt it into the hole so he opted to sit in shade. "Babe, don’t listen to him! You’re doing fine!" Harry said as he wrapped his hands around my waist trying to encourage me. "Harry," I said as he laid his head on my shoulder, “you are a great teacher and all, but you are being so distracting right now," I could feel him smile into my neck as he pulled away to give me space to putt. "Ok babe, I get it! Remember what I told you! Line up your shoulders with the hole! Line up your shot" Harry kept spitting out other little things to remember. I couldn’t concentrate with all his talking, I turned around to give him a slight glare, “oh right, got it, I will shut up." I took in a deep breath and focused. Ok you can do this! You are Y/N Y/L/N! You can do anything! Wow this is the lamest pep talk I have ever given myself…wait. Focus. Must focus. One more breath. Now aim. Swing. I watched patiently as my ball rolled slowly towards the hole, as it went around the rim, I held my breath and squeezed my putter a little tighter. Pease go in. I held my breath and waited. The ball sat on the edge of the hole but didn’t fall in, my shoulders fell defeated. "Aww babe! That was so close," Harry followed me to the hole and watched as I tapped it in. “We have plenty more holes to play!" "Oh lord, we will be here all day!" Niall shouted, Harry turned around to flip him off but I just gave a slight chuckle because I knew it was true. "Harry he’s right, if you want me to head back to the club, I can go swim or something and wait by the pool while you guys finish the course," I hold the putter behind my neck and stretch my arms. "Neila" Harry came closer and wrapped his hands around my lower back. “The whole point of today was to teach you how to golf! Why would we leave you behind?" "I feel like I am holding you and," I glance over at Niall who took to laying down in the golf cart from boredom, “Niall back from a good day out golfing," "Hun, trust me! You’ll get better as the day goes," I smiled trying to believe him,but I knew he was just far too optimistic. He had always been that way, so optimistic. I grabbed the ball and followed Harry in hand back to the cart. “There is the golfing pro! Ready for the next hole?” Niall said clapping his hands sarcastically. I gave a fake curtsy, waving like royalty as Harry laughed and playfully pulled my visor down further on my head. "Hey Styles! Not cool!" I tried to hit his arm but missed due not only to my lack of vision from the visor over the eyes, but also the poor hand eye coordination I have posed all my life. "Hey Neila, I’m over here" I heard Harry’s voice from in front of me, as soon as I got the visor out of my line of vision I was met by Harry’s lips and I couldn’t help but smile in the midst of our kiss. Why was he so perfect? Niall whistled and yelled for us to get a room before Harry finally pulled back, “just some incentive to do even better on the next hole. If you get it in, in less shots than the hole before you will get a prize like that one after each time,” "That sounds fair to me" I said straightening his collar, Niall rolled his eyes from behind us. "How about you love birds get in the cart so we can get to the next hole," "Good it’s a deal then," Harry said completely ignoring Niall. I dragged him to the cart to sit down so we wouldn’t completely over irritate Niall today. —- The next two holes went by more pleasantly than expected, I was still no pro golfer but my game was improving…ever so slightly. Each hole, I would beat my best score by one and I got a noteworthy kiss at the end of each hole for payment. But this hole was giving me difficulty. I have been stuck in the underbrush, the sand pits, and any other obstacle you can think of, I have been stuck in it on this hole. This was the hole from hell. "Just when I thought we had the chance to be future golf instructors," Niall sad sarcastically to Harry. "Just when I thought you would shut up while Neila hit," Harry tried to whisper, but failed. I tried to remember all the advise they had been yelling out the earlier holes, deep breath, line up the shoulders and line up the ball. The shot I was aiming from was several, tens of yards away. If I made this one I would be so proud (and astonished) with myself, I wouldn’t feel as if I was a terrible player if I missed it, because I saw Niall and Harry struggling with it earlier and they were decent players. It didn’t matter if I made it in or not, I wouldn’t beat my score from the last hole, meaning no sweet victory kiss from Harry. But when I hit the ball and I saw it having a perfect line towards the hole I started getting excited, too excited for a game that I was going to lose anyway. I watched the ball sink into the hole and I started squealing, I just made one of the hardest shots of my life. From the underbrush and into the green where it just so happened to roll into the hole of the course, that once in a lifetime shot. “Did You guys see that!” I jumped up and down excited, Niall stared slack jawed and Harry fist pumped his way over to me, cheering with the same amount of enthusiasm as I was showing. "That was incredible!" Harry said picking me up and spinning me around, "That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen" "I didn’t think that was going in at all," I said laughing, putting my hands on either side of his face. Harry’s smile reached across his face and his dimples were so prominent they made me smile even more. He was the epitome of adorable..yet he could be so hot at the same time. Harry brought me back down to the ground and then brought his face down to mine. "Harry," i whispered before he could kiss me, "I thought I only got rewarded if I beat my score from the round before," I smirked knowing that he wanted to kiss me just as bad as I wanted to kiss him right now. "Oh, I think I can make an exception for such a beautiful and talented golfing student. I mean, that was the most impressive shot I have ever seen," "well I did have a great teacher," I giggled in his arm. "Yeah, Niall is great, he can be so supporting, especially when he gets really into the game" I burst out laughing and slapped his arm lightly. He took this moment to finish the kiss he had wanted to start earlier. I loved the way our lips fit perfectly together and moved in unison. But it wasn’t so familiar that it was boring, every time we kissed it was like the sparks that started from my lips went to ignite tiny little firecrackers that would shot across my body. "We should do this again sometime," Harry said as we road back to the country club. I laughed and shook my head, “we will see,” -jess-
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:45:01 +0000

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