For Serenity Hudson - TopicsExpress


For Serenity Hudson _~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~~_~ Mmmmm.. Something smells good I hear my boyfriend (of two years) say. I feel Harrys strong arms wrap around my torso and he lays his head on top of my shoulder. Whatcha cookin babes He asks, looking at the pancake Im currently flipping Just some pancakes and other stuff, but It was supposed to be a surprise, so you have to get out of the kitchen I tell him and turn around to see him smiling. Nah I think Ill just stay here. He jokes Noo Harry you have to go I try to push him out of the kitchen. Harry quickly stops and turns around, right as we get to the door. And what are you going to do if I dont He smirks Harry I warn Dont test me love! Oh i think I will. Come on Ren, what are you gonna do. Hm? Harry I try to keep a straight face, thinking of my next plan of action. Serenity Fine you asked for it I smirk Ask for w-Ow Harry screams, looking at the red imprint on his arm. Did you just hit me with the spatula? He plays hurt. I told you not to test me Styles I laugh and saunter back towards the stove. Oh thats it. I hear Harry say and right as I turn around Harry picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He starts running around the apartment, screaming. SHE SLAPPED ME WITH A SPATULA Harry Put me down I hit his back with my fists, which doesnt affect him at all. Nope not until you apologize for hitting me with a damn spatula He continues to run around the apartment, much to my dis pleasure. Harry if you put me down, Ill give you a kiss I offer and he stops. A kiss you say..hmm. Well it better be a good one. Agree? Agree Harry finally sets me down on the floor and I regain my balance. Payment time Harry says leaning down and puckering his pink lips. I lean in and he closes his eyes. I smirk to myself and take off running down the hall. Shortly after I reach the steps and i hear his heavy foot steps in the next room. Oh you got me. Good one babe. But wait until I get my hands on you. You will pay for that kiss. At his statement I dash up the stars and run around the second floor, trying to figure out some place to hide. I hear Harrys boots on the stairs, so on a quick moment of judgement I decide to hide in the bathroom(the shower to be exact) Serenity. Sweet sweet Serenity. Come out, come out wherever you are. I hear Harry yell and I giggle at him using the played out line from my favorite scary movies. Heard that He says and I cover my mouth. I hear him walk into the bathroom, so I hide closer behind the shower curtain. All of a sudden the other side of the curtain is yanked open and I see Harry Standing there with a huge smirk plastered on to his beautiful face. In a matter of nano seconds I jump out of the shower and run down the stairs as fast as i can. Harry is right behind me and I laugh at the look on his face. He looks like he did when he was younger. Still beautiful, still precious. Come back here Ren. Harry laughs. I decide to hide on the side of the wall and I hear harry starting to come nearer to me. Harry gets in the perfect spot and I tackle him to the couch. Sneak Attack! I scream and he looks at me with love in his eyes. In a split second Harry some how manages to flip up over, so now he is sitting on top of me. I look into his beautiful, indescribable green eyes. Harry stares back at me and leans down, so now he is one about an inch from my face. I think someone owes me a kiss Harry says and I nod my head. He leans down in closer, I can almost taste his breath. Just as our lips were about to touch BEEP BEEP BEEP The smoke alarms start to go off What is tha- THE PANCAKES I scream, cutting Harry off, and we both run towards the kitchen. This boy is literately going to be the death of me! -----------------------------The End-------------------------- Hope you liked it Love! -LovelyLouis
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:54:47 +0000

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