For Sunday, December 21, 2014 Lesson 37: On the Last Judgment and - TopicsExpress


For Sunday, December 21, 2014 Lesson 37: On the Last Judgment and Resurrection, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven 1. At what 2 times will Christ judge us? 2. What is Particular Judgment? 3. Where will Particular Judgment take place? 4. What happens to the soul after Particular Judgment? 5. What is General Judgment and when does it take place? 6. Will the sentence at Particular Judgment change at General Judgment? 7. Why does Christ judge us immediately after death? 8. How does a daily examination of our conscience help us prepare for our judgment? 9. What are the rewards or punishments appointed after Particular Judgment? 10. What is Hell? 11. Why will the damned suffer in both mind and body? 12. How does the mind suffer? 13. How does the body suffer? 14. What is Purgatory? 15. Why is this state called Purgatory? 16. Is Purgatory a permanent state? 17. When will the souls in Purgatory enter Heaven? 18. What is the Beatific Vision? 19. Do we know what souls are in Purgatory or how long they will remain? 20. Since we don’t know what souls are in Purgatory or for how long what should we do? 21. Who are the faithful departed? 22. What are 5 ways the faithful on earth can help the souls in Purgatory? 23. Why does God punish the souls in Purgatory? ( 2 reasons) 24. Why must everyone go through a General Judgment? 25. What is “the Providence of God”? 26. What is another reason for the General Judgment? 27. Will our bodies share in our reward or punishment? 28. When will the general resurrection take place? 29. How will the bodies of the just rise? 30. Will the bodies of the damned rise? 31. Why do we show respect for the bodies of the dead? 32. What is Heaven? 33. In what does the happiness in Heaven consist? (3) 34. What does St.Paul say of Heaven in 1 Corinthians 2:9? 35. Are the rewards of Heaven and the punishments of Hell the same for all? 36. How are they different? 37. Are the rewards of Heaven and the punishments of Hell everlasting? 38. We should always remember the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul, or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then will he render to every man according to his works.” 39. What is the first essential religious truth we believe? 40. What is the second religious truth we believe? 41. What is the third religious truth we believe? 42. What is the fourth religious truth we believe? 43. What is the fifth religious truth we believe?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:52:36 +0000

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