For: The Believers and The Unbelievers: The Blood Moon is - TopicsExpress


For: The Believers and The Unbelievers: The Blood Moon is set to appear three more times in the next 18 months, according to NASA scientists. The next total eclipse and subsequent Blood Moon will appear on October 8, followed by the same event appearing on April 4 2015 and September 28 2015. Astronomical events have been making headlines lately. On April 8, the orbits of Mars, Earth, and the sun fell into a straight line in a rare cosmic alignment called an opposition. Precisely one week later, we will see the first of four extremely unusual total lunar eclipses. Is there any significance to these extraordinary celestial events? Could it be that God is using the sun, moon, and stars to communicate with us and to announce things to come? The answer is yes! The Bible is clear that the sun, moon, and stars are connected to Israel and biblical prophecy. Throughout history God has used the science of astronomy (never astrology!) in connection with historical events to write prophetic messages in the heavens. One significant way God reveals coming events is through a phenomenon that scientists call Blood Moons. These are total lunar eclipses in which the moon appears to be blood red. The coming message from God is so urgent that He is going to sovereignly arrange the sun and the moon to perfectly align themselves to create not just one Blood Moon, but a Tetrad-a series of four consecutive Blood Moons! NASA has projected that the next Tetrad will begin on April 15, 2014 and end on September 28, 2015. It will occur in the following sequence: 1. Passover-April 15, 2014 2. Feast of Tabernacles-October 8, 2014 3. Passover-April 4, 2015 4. Feast of Tabernacles-September 28, 2015 Four Blood Moons (Tetrads) that are significant to Israel and also occur during Jewish Feasts are extremely rare-they have happened only three times in more than five hundred years. To understand the significance of this coming series of Four Blood Moons, we need to consider the globally significant religious events connected with the previous three Tetrads. The Four Blood Moons of 1493–94 announced the Edict of Expulsion, which banished from Spain all Jewish people who, despite being tortured, refused to convert to Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition. But their tears ended in triumph when Christopher Columbus found a haven for Jews around the world: America. The Four Blood Moons of 1949–50 followed the birth of the State of Israel, in which God gathered the Jewish exiles from the nations of the world and brought them home to the land of covenant as foretold by the Old Testament prophets. The Four Blood Moons of 1967–68 coincided with the Six-Day War, when the city of Jerusalem was finally reunited with the State of Israel. Today, Jerusalem is more than the countrys undivided capital-its where Christ was crucified for the sins of the world and where He will return to rule a global kingdom that will never end. Three series of Four Blood Moons. Three important historical events that affected the Jewish people-and the world. And its about to happen for a fourth time! What is God saying to us in the Four Blood Moons of 2014–15? Unlike the others, this series of Four Blood Moons not only contains a total solar eclipse, but it also contains a Shemittah year, which occurs every seventh year-or every Sabbath year. Astoundingly, this Shemittah year will begin on the first day of the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) on September 25, 2014 and conclude on the following Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) on September 13, 2015. Follow this astonishing phenomenon: The occurrence of a Tetrad, or four consecutive Blood Moons, is rare. A Tetrad with a total solar eclipse within its series is very rare. A Tetrad with a total solar eclipse that is significant to Israels history and Jewish Feasts is very, very rare. A Tetrad with a total solar eclipse historically significant to Israel and Jewish Feasts that includes a Shemittah year is very, very, very rare. But a Tetrad with a total solar eclipse, historically significant to Israel, falling on Jewish Feasts, and including a Shemittah year that corresponds with the Feast of Trumpets is astronomically rare! The fourth Tetrad is coming. God is shouting to us, Something big is about to happen! The Four Blood Moons of 2014–15 tell us that God is getting ready to change the course of human history once again. God is clearly speaking to us through the coming series of Four Blood Moons. The question is, are we watching and listening? BE AWARE!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:30:45 +0000

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