For When we rebell against God and his messengers(Prophets) we as - TopicsExpress


For When we rebell against God and his messengers(Prophets) we as Christians suffer. We do not get the full benefits of Gods Blessings. We look to prophets as an insight of the Holy Spirits direct contact with God……. This is true There is a danger when we do not examine ourselves, and really ask hard questions of the prophet. Question one: are they line up with the word? Question two: What is their life style like? Question three: Are these people women and men causing havoc among the body of Christ? Question four: Are they prideful? Question five: Are they looking for complements? Question six: Are they spreading gossip among any member of the body? Question seven: Are they story telling to make their prophecy more liable? ( of personal ) Question eight: do they appear to set on a thrown? Question nine: Do they anger because they are not getting the attention from others they are prophesying too or about? Question ten: Do they run in certain Click in the sanctuary? Question eleven: Do they appear to be controlling or territorial? If so these are the things you must disconnect from and them. Not to disgrace them, but pray for them. Believe it or not they have a heavy burden. First they have to contend with God. Repent. Which some will stick to their ways. Because of their PRIDE and not wanting to be discreditable. Every prophecy is not of Money, nor starting business for oneself. If he Holy Spirit” gave a word of prosperity one best to believe it’s for the Kingdom. And you were chosen to carry out the assignment. Then you shall live by the overflow. If you are entrusted with such prosperity fast and get direction for the kingdom FIRST. He may instructed you to give it all to the kingdom, whatever God is instructing do it. The enemy WILL come to present the things you may need. But look at it this way, ”if God has given to you once will he not give it to you again if you do his will” ? I feel this is for someone who has been blessed and struggling what to do. This is your answer. Amen! .Remember these scriptures keep it close to your hearts(Mind) of JUDGING PROPHETS 11 PETER1:20-21 Knowing this FIRST , that no prophecy of the SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. For the prophecy came not in old time by the WILL OF MAN: but HOLY MEN OF GOD spake as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST. The insert “Old Time” means this shall not change even into coming days(future) PROVERBS14:15 The simple believeth every word; BUT the PRUDENT man looketh well to his going. The Holy Spirit speaks through the spirit of man and not THROUGH HIS MIND. Human reasoning can be interjected, which is the SPIRIT OF FLESH When one reads the bible they will see, when money or prosperity was mention it was for a purpose for God…….. To gather the children of Israel. To bring down walls of Jericho, to feed the hungry, to feed the poor in spirit, etc. The bible is full of STORIES of PURPOSE for BLESSINGS. We should be living from the overflow of the blessings that God is providing for HIS PURPOSE on EARTH FOR THE NOW. I know a many look on me and have no value of me, because of what I DON’T have. But what people fail to see , by my FAITH and Gods Timing all things shall come forward, this is his promise to ME and all that Believe him in their hearts, God will provide. I have to encourage myself daily with the word, while others resume their gossip of me. But that dear heart doesn’t bother me. I take a long look at myself everyday and ask questions; are you walking for Jesus Christ? Or is this about you? How much do you really trust Jesus word? Spoken when he was on Earth? My answer is Yes, Yes, Yes, with no doubt that God will come through……….. One has to be grounded in their faith. It never fails those in church who are half way worshiping God, will pass judgment without a cause. Most of their judgments are out of envious, and certainly jealously. They are envious of ones praise and worship. Jealous of ones confidence in their praise and worship. Everyone wants control. When they get control they DO NOT THINK OF THE CHURCH OR THE FLOW OF LOYALTY TO GOD; IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM AND WHO IS IN CHARGE. They get a sense in their thinking if they don’t want a certain person in certain departments they oust them by making access next to impossible for them. It’s as if they are in a company and by their actions in the church one can tell they were part of schemes to get rid of employees they did not like. Join the band wagon and ruin lives. With no though just a grin , hunch, under breath comments,. Unfortunately this is what is going on in the church TODAY…….. These acts are not the acts of Jesus Christ nor true follower of him. This is a spirit of rebellion: which is DISOBEDIENCE, DISTRUST, AND UNBELIEF of God’s care, love, Holy Word, and promises . Daniel 9:1-19 and Psalm 107:8-12 When you read ISAIAH 14:11-15 you can read to where Lucifer uplifted his self thinking he would conquer Gods thrown . Read it so you can familiar yourself how he is working in the Church and the Congregation. We must take every word and turn to the Lord with sincerity of our devotion to him, our loyalty to him, our love for him, and most important out TRUST in him. AMEN!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:38:29 +0000

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