For a Christmas present to all our followers see attached our - TopicsExpress


For a Christmas present to all our followers see attached our final offering on the Legends. It is our illustrious Number 8s Entry details will be posted shortly! (1) Rory Gleeson ‘Captain fantastic’ Rory has the honour of being the first Ashbourne Captain to hold aloft the Towns Cup as winners. Rory another product of our youth system who has played in more positions than Jamie Dornan plays in 50 shades of grey! Rory, a talented Prop / Hooker / Wing forward / Centre & of course 8, is this year in his 3rd consecutive year as Club Captain. An inspirational motivator on the pitch as well as famous words in the dressing room pre-games, (some of which would lead to a few chuckles and break the tension). Rory, known for his barrelling runs where any would be defender could get bowled over has deft feet and silky hands and when need an almighty hard hitting defender. Another Leinster Junior interpro’s legend Nominee and also has had a few years playing AIL with Old Wesley & Navan, before coming home to his real love and win that famous Jug. Legendary Winning TC Captain - Rory Gleeson (2) Jeff Mahon Now in his 27th year of playing with the 1st Xv in the club, Jeff came into the first team from the underage system was swiftly promoted at a young age to be a partner with the Mighty Mick in the 2nd row and was part of the hugely successful 1st teams in the late 80’s. Having played at the back of the scrum for most of his underage years Jeff soon moved out of the ‘Row’ to take his more natural position at 8 where he played for more than 20 years. Jeff was a fit, big ball carrier and very fast forward and was very powerful in going forward. Known for his eye for scoring the try’s – it would be a rare moment where a ball would leave his grip anywhere within an asses roar of the line. A great leader and inspiration to those around, Jeff was captain of the Club for 4 separate years and has also represented the club on the Leinster juniors for a total of 9 years and Captaining Leinster on 4 of those years. Jeff has also has won the coveted Leinster junior player of the year award – presented to him the same day Shane Byrne (senior) & Shane Jennings (Young) player of the year at the Leinster awards dinner. Has been for many a year plagued by senior teams to join their ranks, but was never going to leave his Home Club where he always wanted to be at his best for. A memorable and amazing achievement in winning the Towns cup last season, 14 years after first appearing in a Towns cup final & 12 years since he captained the side to wins our first J1 provincial title of the Towns Plate in a memorable game Vs. Roscrea. Jeff currently coach of the clubs 1st team forwards & also hopes to be back soon from injury, to again put on the Ashbourne jersey. A True Legend - Jeff Mahon. (3) Ken Duff Ken had deceptive speed and great covering ability in defence. Last ditch tackle and corner flagging was his speciality. In attack with ball in hand, he had a mighty body swerve and left many would be tacklers floundering. He was a good lineout man in the back and middle. Ken in his earlier years played with the ‘Chaps’ (Wanderers) but coming from Finglas he knew that match was bound not too last – Ashbourne was where Ken shone. Ken was part of the McGowan cup winning teams in ‘89 & ’90 and formed a serious back-row partnership with Craigie & Costello and later Mahon. He was club captain season 88/89 and also coached the First tem a few years later. Ken now lives in Texas with his wife, kids and grandkids. His famous quote was “don’t mess with the best, the best don’t mess”. He certainly was one of the best – Ken ‘the Duffer’ duff! (4) Pat McManus “Mac” was a hard and durable man both physically and mentally. He was also a magnificent footballer, having played centre-field for Meath. He was extremely fit and was ahead of his time in the use of weights and achieving his level of fitness, in his own time. He had enormous stamina”, was extremely strong in maul and ruck and always had that “courage never to submit or yield”. Above all Mac was superb at the back of the line-out, at a time when there was no lifting (except for Benny). He more than held his own against Irish International Michael Gibson (6’ 6’’) of Trinity College and Ireland; in Pat Bobbet’s “priest’s acre”. Pat also served as an outstanding club captain in 1979/80, the year Ashbourne won the Leinster Rugby try scoring competition, involving all senior and junior clubs in Leinster. A past senior player with DLSP and also was invited to play senior with Connaught. Mac, in his later years took on the role of fitness coach to the senior teams in Ashbourne and when the club would first stamp our name as a serious J1 team in the late 80’s and early 90’s made a huge impact in ensuring the Ash teams were of the fittest around. Anyone who had the misfortune to be at any of mac famous last 10 mins of fitness would always remember that 10 would never finish before at least 25 minutes. A great character on and off the pitch, and a true great of the game - Pat Mac.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:32:43 +0000

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