For a few hundred years we have known where we as humans - TopicsExpress


For a few hundred years we have known where we as humans originated -thanks to Darwin. Species change and develop over the years -a lizard starts jumping to catch flies on a tree and then grows wings so it starts to fly and then becomes a bird. We have come from monkeys so the theory is and thats it everything is explained --OH until that bloody American James Watson comes and spoils the fun. JAMES WATSON? Yes he discovered DNA -DNA IS WHAT EVERY LIVING THING IS MADE OF. Now DNA is a code -just like a computer code that runs programmes on your comp. It has trillions of combinations and if even one goes wrong it leaves something less than perfect -not better. Now for a lizard to grow wings it would take billions of trillions (impossible number) of changes in the DNA code just for wings. For a monkey to change into a man it would take trillions more of such mistakes. Imagine a wagon of sand and every grain of sand in that wagon has a number etched on it and its being tipped on the ground but you catch a bucket-full as its falling and then throw that sand on the ground and get all the numbers together then put those on the lottery to win the jackpot-and you come nowhere near the needs of one improvement of DNA -LET ALONE overcoming the fact that no species has ever become a different one. Now am I banging the gong of some GOD -not in the least but some other explanation is needed - try running your computer by getting your cat like mine does to walk on the keyboard and expect sense or take that jigsaw and throw it in the air to make the picture Thanks again bloody Yanks. :) -watch
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:50:03 +0000

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