For a long time, I put pressure on myself to be an idea of who I - TopicsExpress


For a long time, I put pressure on myself to be an idea of who I thought the perfect, put-together, business woman, coach/entrepreneur that everyone wants to work with... The way that ended up looking was that I always felt like I had to convince women who would work with those types of coaches/entrepreneurs that I was as worthy as the entrepreneurs they were passing me up to work with. If I did a strategy session with a woman who passed me up to work with the more popular coach of the moment, I would take it personally, and feel frustrated at the elitism that people fall prey to in all of the paradigms we live in. I would internalize it and think one day I will prove them wrong and they will all beg to work with me! lol. Then I realized that was such a waste of time and energy. I am not, nor will I ever be that type of woman/entrepreneur/coach. (and she is fabulous being her perfectly put together self too, dont get me wrong). I like to cuss and tell inappropriate jokes. Sometimes I take too many selfies. Sometimes I post a lot on Facebook and engage with my tribe a lot. Sometimes I share total raw truth. Sometimes I post videos of me doing interpretive dances. Sometimes I post poems about love, loss and longing. Im intensely passionate about the success of each and everyone of my clients. I tell my clients to stay in touch with me even after we are done working together. I am equally in love with the woo woo as I am the practical. I like to wear feathers in my hair and sit in circle with my women holding hands, then blast them with some practical truth in a kick-ass laser coaching session. I have flip charts AND tarot cards at my retreats with my clients. Im not well-versed in the whos who but I know a lot of amazing, brilliant, powerful people simply because I liked them instinctively and struck up a conversation with them, knowing nothing of their status. I believe that its crucial to show to our community that we also experience self-doubt, uncertainty and fear and so I share, in an expansive way for my tribe, ways in which I have moved through that, hoping that it will help them do the same. I dont believe in gurus and cringe if anyone calls me one--I much prefer to show people that I am just a reflection of them, so they are their own guru. I believe we have something to learn from everyone, regardless of what their social/success status is. I believe in open, transparent, vulnerable, authentic leadership. Im goofy and sometimes giggle too much. Sometimes I post 8 times in one day on Facebook AND Instagram. And after having a major spiritual conversation with a friend or talking human morality and politics for 3 hours I go home and watch Real Housewives of Miami. And I dare share these things with potential clients. And guess what? There are still TONS of women (and quite a few men) who want to work with me. I still have a successful business. I still get to help people create massive change in their lives. And I can honestly say that me and almost all of my current and past clients have a total loveliest going on. I adore them, they adore me. So much love! Now whenever someone tells me that they went on to sign up for the program of the moment thats out there right now, I know, they are simply not the right person for me to work with anyway. And Im glad about that because that means they will work with the person they resonate with, and thats what matters the most. And Im sure that sometimes my program is also the program of the moment. Honestly, who cares? There is someone for everyone. And actually I think there is a big tribe for everyone. So just be yourself and dont get caught up in that external comparison trap. The people who are your people, will work with you. Those who dont are not your peeps and they are fabulous too, just better off with someone else. Be YOU.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:16:14 +0000

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