For a lot of people who wonder why the Southern border of the US - TopicsExpress


For a lot of people who wonder why the Southern border of the US isn’t being substantially secured the answer is easy but very sad. Because of the two-party system that we have in the United States, we have this flawed view that if one party has a platform involving something the opposite party automatically position itself against it. When it comes to immigration, this mechanism of choosing is no different. Although conservative studies suggest there are 10-11 million illegal immigrants here, many other studies predict the actual number closer between 20-25 million. 10-25 million citizens equal to 10-25 million potential voters. This significant addition of people voting has enough power to turn a traditional conservative state like Texas to a liberal one like California or vice-versa. Who would these people vote for if given the chance? The answer generally happens to be whoever the liberal party is at the time in this case the Democratic Party. This is the underlying issue of immigration. There are three ways to completely fix the immigration issue in the US. However two of them give the liberal party the upper hand. Option 1 includes completely securing the border with no pathway to citizenship / amnesty agreement. Fences, border patrol agents. Basically recreating the Berlin Wall between the US and Mexico. This would stop the influx of immigration, but would not address the illegal immigrants already here. Option 2 includes a pathway to citizenship / amnesty but not completely securing the border. This option focuses on fixing immigration law and policy to address the backlog of hearings involving immigrants and allowing an easier way for illegal immigrants already here a way to become tax payers. However this will not stop immigrants from entering illegally. Option 3 is a combination of 1 and 2. This legislation if formed would first secure the border followed by a way for illegal immigrants already here to become citizens. However, although this form has been introduced many times, the conservative party (Republican Party) recognizes that unless they form some platform to branch out to these new voters, they will vote Democrat. This would essentially mean they would lose places like Arizona and Texas (that provides a substantial amount of electoral and congressional number). Because their base would not allow them to incorporate a large minority into the GOP, it is understandable why they would only back option 1. Democrats who easily incorporate Hispanics are willing and wanting to pass either option 2 or 3, but are unwilling to pass option 1 because they don’t get the new voters. This is the real reason why we have the “immigration crisis.”
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:19:22 +0000

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