For a lot of reasons, mainly because I never learned to accept - TopicsExpress


For a lot of reasons, mainly because I never learned to accept hearsay as truth, and because its the month of Ramadan, I did some research on Islam. Now, im not asking for a debate whatsoever, but this is what I learned. There is one God. Islamophobia is the result of hundreds of years of fabricated half truths. That the Quran is as beautiful as the bible in the lessons it offers, and I would surmise (though I havent read it yet) would be as beautiful as the Torah. True that there are a lot of muslims who do not follow the teachings of the Quran, but I am sure there is an equal measure of catholics who do not practice what the bible says. Heck, we even have priests who are pedophiles, and priests with mistresses. As for the Jews, the biggest contributor to their temple was also the mastermind of the largest financial scam earth has ever seen. So let us not define the other based on what negatives there are, instead see each other for the ideals we all strive to achieve. After all, at the end of these all, God does not have a skin color, does not have an arian nose, or arabian eyes, or European features, or brown complexion. Probably He could be so upset at the world now - how dare us label Him as this or that. :) Peace!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 20:10:51 +0000

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