For a poor country like Ethiopia, which has been bogged down in - TopicsExpress


For a poor country like Ethiopia, which has been bogged down in the swamps of a command economy for nearly two decades, economic growth has a strong reason to exist. Yet, whether it brings a blessing or a curse depends on the social and political implications that comes along with it. Every year, the government promises to realise double digit economic growth. For a country with 29pc of the population living under poverty line – one dollar a day – this may seem like a target to be commended. Nonetheless, the distributional aspect of economic growth is often overlooked. This entails how much of the benefit from economic growth is going to the rich and the poor, respectively. It also refers to how much of the cost of economic growth the rich and the poor, respectively, shall bear. At face value, this calls for the answering of two critical questions. Should we continue in the current “model of growth”, which has allowed some to drive a hammer, while a significant mass is going to bed hungry? With the widening urban-rural, inter-regional and intra-urban income inequality, how can we avoid the blessing of our growth becoming a “curse”? Whatever one’s answers and the underpinning arguments for these questions are, it seems that time is running out. We must quickly recognise that growth is not an end, but only a means to an end. A comprehensive way to walk the talk, therefore, demands putting the ‘growth’ theme into the social and political context of our nation.. Equally as important as the social aspect is the political platform, with which the double digit growth is being achieved. Growth is meant to lift our political culture out of the box that it has been contained in for centuries. It is supposed to bring about a more transparent, deliberative, policy-oriented and informed political debate. It is thought to create competent political parties, established on clear ideologies and value systems .. It is believed to bring to light persuasive politicians with thoughtful development alternatives. It is also expected to continually introduce new generations of politicians .. Economic growth ought to also create a politically conscious citizenry, confident enough to express their will peacefully. The double digit growth should also be accompanied by legitimate and sustained institutional structures. Yet, it is questionable on how far we have gone in realising all of these points. .. we should not forget our assignment with regard to renovating latent and suppressive social systems. By working hard to minimise income inequality, we will reduce the implicit leverage of the rich and empower the poor.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 21:03:43 +0000

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