For a second year, SHORELINE CHAPTER - METROPOLITAN CHICAGO REGION ORT AMERICA will be a distributor for Honey from the Heart which is a project developed by ORT Atlanta and is in its 24th year. The project raises money by selling distinctive 8 ounce jars of kosher honey, sent with a personalized Rosh Hashanah message and delivered in advance of the High Holidays. The cost is $10 per jar, including shipping to anywhere in the US. THE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING IS JULY 21, 2014. What could be easier? So, start making your list and place your orders as follows: 1. Go to the ORT Honey website: orthoney 2. Click Order Honey 3. Choose first option - type SHO and click Go To This Store button 4. Click Shoreline Chapter 5. Go to second option: Place Your Honey Order - New Honey Customer benefiting Shoreline Chapter - click here 6. Click Lets Get Started 7. Fill in form. 8. Click Continue 9. Fill in form and follow the rest of the instructions.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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