For a very long time I was mega dedicated to pell training. In - TopicsExpress


For a very long time I was mega dedicated to pell training. In most cases I did it multiple times a day. I was able to then take the technique I trained and then apply it to helmet time practices. After a while pretty much a year now Ive gotten to the point where I dont pell as much. I will even go days without brushing up on the pell. I think Im at the stage where the repetition isnt need NEAR as much. I havent noticed any degrading of my fighting while at helmet time practices. If anything I seem to be the deadliest I have ever been with my targeting, timing and opening shot deception. I find myself visualizing a lot more about training instead of physically doing it. I have a question for those that are relentless at this pell training and also those who have considerable experience at this point. Once you have your cutting technique down to a science for yourself and your personal style did you start visualizing situations more often than just pelling through a routine? For instance right now I had the thought of going down in my messy garage and hitting the pell. Instead I just closed my eyes and ran through a few situations I want to create the next time I get the chance to fight. Im very curious how many of the experienced members use visualization as a means of honing their skills?? I have the firm belief that if you have the ability to go there in your mind on a regular basis you will go there in the body. At the very least have a better chance of pulling off what you want to pull off due to a comfort level of already having the experience. At least in your mind, which is all that really matters. So now onto my past pelling. There for a very long time about 8 months I was extremely dedicated. I would pell every day sometimes multiple times a day. After that I hit a spell where I didnt pell near as often. I tapered off to probably three times a week. Towards the very end once a week maybe even not at all. Then I hit this stage where I really wanted to work micro gestures into my shots. Basically a micro gesture is the first second of your sword blow where your body, shoulder, arm and sword all show on thing but then transition into a different shot. I broke my neck for about a month and a half on the pell to really get the feels of how to do that and make it look real to my opponent. I started to really experiment with this during helmet times with amazing success. Now again Im at that stage where I just dont feel the need to pell those new shots anymore. Whenever I get the hankering to do it I just close my eyes and visualize. I will do it with full body movement. I also have the benefit of my wife who tries to attack me out of the blue. I get to go into the karate kid doing my paint the fence or wax on wax off and come in with my kill. Its actually pretty hilarious but I believe that even helps to some degree LOL. Another question for the super experienced peeps here. When you believe you have found yourself did you slow down considerably on your pelling habits? If so what did you focus on to still attempt to hone your skills further? Right now Im doing quite a lot of visualizations of situations. Ones that I wish to create during helmet times. I just feel drawn to doing that more often that say doing repetition on the pell. So far it seems to be working out great. Im just super curious how many others might be doing this or had these experiences in the past during their carriers.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:29:39 +0000

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