For all its failings, the multiculturalist argument is seductive - TopicsExpress


For all its failings, the multiculturalist argument is seductive to Indian liberals, precisely because it permits silence. Hindutva, Islamist and Christian reactionaries have, for many years, used violence and intimidation to censor dissent. Liberals, with some honourable exceptions, haven’t summoned the courage to resist. Now, as a result of this silence, the state decides on our behalf whether we may read The Satanic Verses or Aubrey Menen’s irreverent retelling of the Ramayana. It chooses not to prosecute the vandals who block stores from stocking D.N. Jha’s The Myth of the Holy Cow, James Laine’s history of Shivaji, or Paul Courtright’s explorations of oedipal undertones in Hindu mythology. The silence of these corpses will cost us, just as it did the Middle East centuries ago. indianexpress/article/opinion/columns/the-silence-of-corpses/99/#sthash.Q2wHZkNA.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:24:43 +0000

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