For all my Fayetteville Arkansas friends. I have a question about - TopicsExpress


For all my Fayetteville Arkansas friends. I have a question about this ordinance 119. Lets say it passes, I pray that it does not but if it does. It says that businesses cannot discriminate from pretty much everyone, group or organization. Now my question is this and it all hypothetical. If I was a business owner I owned a place that held events lets say weddings and such. Lets say the KKK, the black black panthers, Wiccan followers, Satanic group, North American Man-Boy Love Association or even ISIS or Taliban or any other group or organization wants to rent my room I will have to no matter what unless I want to be fined by the city. I know I went to the extreme on some of these but its a question that needs to be asked and answered. The question is, when does the owner of the store have the right to say, sorry I cannot do business with you or your organization because of religious beliefs or any other reason? Not a one of these groups is it against the law to be in, well maybe the North American Man-Boy Love Association. they just need to taken out for good in my honest opinion. BUt as as tore owner I would have to allow these hate groups or totally against God groups to rent out my hall? Just my question and thought for the day.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:22:38 +0000

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