For all my muslim friends. How We Can Follow God’s Guidance - TopicsExpress


For all my muslim friends. How We Can Follow God’s Guidance Today WE ARE living in critical times. The Holy Scriptures assure us that these are the last days of this world’s corrupt system. Very soon God will intervene to crush the wicked, and he will make the earth a paradise, which was his original purpose. But what does he expect of us? 2 We can learn from previous examples. Instead of acting as Adam and Eve did, we must obey God and oppose the Devil. We should follow the examples of Enoch (Idrīs) and Noah (Nūḥ), who courageously and boldly took their stand for God and proclaimed his message, despite opposition from most of the people. Abraham (Ibrāhīm) too had the courage to follow the true God and be different from his father, who had served idols. Like Abraham, we must show our faith by our actions, and we must strive to follow God’s guidance, even though that may call for many sacrifices on our part. These things are necessary to obtain God’s approval. Yet, more is required. 3 It is also necessary that we exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. God lovingly sent him as “a propitiatory sacrifice” for the whole world’s sins.—1 John 2:2. 4 We should always remember that it is God who determines the way to salvation; we do not. Therefore, if it seems hard for us to adjust our thinking to the knowledge we are acquiring from the Holy Scriptures, we must realize that gaining God’s approval should be of utmost importance to us. God is willing to help us if we approach him in prayer with sincere hearts and a genuine desire to please him.—Psalm 143:10, 11. 5 Without delay, then, act to make sure that you have accurate knowledge of God, his purposes, and his requirements. Jesus said in prayer to God: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) However, we cannot gain this knowledge unless we refer to the guidance God has provided for us in his books. After that, we must also exert ourselves to apply what we learn so that we may become “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”—James 1:22-25. 6 As we observe God’s dealings with mankind over the ages, we realize that we cannot worship him on our own—without being part of his people. God’s servants have always worshiped him in an organized manner. Men of faith like Abraham led their families and servants in the worship of Jehovah. (Genesis 12:1-5; 18:19) Later, the sons of Israel became a nation united in true worship. Centuries thereafter, though, God rejected the nation of Israel because of its continued rebellion and lack of faith. Instead, God gave his approval to Christ’s followers. If we had been true worshipers of Jehovah during any one of these periods in history, we would have had to be part of his approved people—not separate from them. 7 We also note that in any one time period, Jehovah did not deal with more than one group of worshipers. For instance, in Noah’s day, only Noah and those in the ark with him came under God’s protection and were carried safely through the waters of the Deluge. (1 Peter 3:20) Likewise in our day, we should expect to find only one people acceptable to God as his true worshipers. But how can we identify the congregated people who are following God’s guidance today, so that we can join with them in worshiping him? 8 We find this people where we find real unity. God is one and his guidance is one—harmonious, not contradictory. Those who follow God’s guidance constitute a united body, where all members apply God’s righteous principles. We do not find divisions or prejudice among them, but rather we find harmony and brotherly love, even though they come from diverse backgrounds, nationalities, religions, and races. (1 John 4:20, 21) Who, then, are God’s people in our day? 9 We read: “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” (Isaiah 43:10-12) Jehovah’s Witnesses today boldly witness to all nations about God, his great name, and his wonderful purposes. 10 By living lives fully in harmony with God’s guidance, Jehovah’s Witnesses prove that they are his true people. They endeavor to apply God’s laws in every aspect of their lives. God will not accept among his people liars, thieves, immoral individuals, or practicers of what he has forbidden. God condemns lawlessness. He insists that his people remain clean and follow his guidance.—Luke 16:10; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10. 11 Love and unity are prominent qualities among God’s true people. Jehovah’s Witnesses are a united people serving God in harmony, no matter where they are located. They number over five million, living in more than 230 lands. They are not part of this wicked world alienated from God. (John 17:16) They do not take part in the world’s conflicts, wars, or politics. Their international brotherhood is not undermined by nationalistic, racial, or religious interests that foment strife and disagreements.—Isaiah 2:2-4. 12 Jehovah’s Witnesses love their neighbors and are active worldwide. (Matthew 22:39) They wish to help all those who desire to obey God. They follow Jesus’ example by preaching about God’s Kingdom and proclaiming that it is the only solution for the problems of mankind. Jehovah’s Witnesses encourage you to take a vital step—study the Holy Scriptures to acquire the accurate knowledge that leads to everlasting life. 13 Each one of us has the responsibility of making a choice. Will you choose God’s guidance? It alone shows the way to Paradise. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) Take in the accurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and apply it in your life. Only then can you get God’s approval and gain life eternal in a delightful and happy paradise where there will be no pain, suffering, sickness, and death.—Revelation 21:4.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:28:15 +0000

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