For all my newer followers and friends who have not seen me prior - TopicsExpress


For all my newer followers and friends who have not seen me prior to my journey or been following me for long, this is me and my story! Im human just like you guys, I have faults and of course I dont eat like a caveman everyday. I do get tempted, I do have cheat days, but I make an effort to try everyday and make more conscious choices instead of grabbing the first thing I think I want to eat. I started taking Skinny Fiber in October 2012 and went from 145lbs to 120lbs now! Im a mommy to 3 girls and after having my last daughter, my weight was at a standstill and I was having chronic back pain and visiting my chiropractor 2x/week from the extra weight. I was skeptic of trying yet another product, god I think Ive tried over a dozen or more throughout my life! Lol! Slim fast, atkins, Xenical (now Alli), WW, Hcg, Ketomist, and Im sure theres more -- oh yeah, the cabbage soup diet and the cookie diet! Hahaha! They all either left me feeling hungry, jittery, or irritable so I really didnt want to try another product and just kept working out to my kickboxing dvds. But the weight remained no matter how clean or low carb I went and how much I exercised. So depressing! But I kept an eye on this product for a few weeks...kept researching it, kept thinking about it, but put it off for a while. Finally, exhausted of ideas and doing everything right, I decided to try it. Since it was all natural, why not -- and everyone could benefit from dietary fiber anyway, right? I took it religiously, everyday, at 12pm and 6pm, right on the money. Quit diet coke altogether and drank nothing else but water! Alot of water!!! The first few weeks -- nothing and I was pissed off that I wasted money on yet another thing that didnt work. But I kept taking it anyway just to prove I was right and this skinny fiber thing was a total scam. Well going into my 4th week, I started noticing certain things...I had more energy but without jitters. I slept moods improved...and my wedding ring was too loose!! Going into my 2nd bottle was when it really started coming altogether and not only was I shrinking in pounds, but all my clothes got looser and currently I have resized my wedding ring down twice!! Im a total believer in this amazing product and love everything its done for me! I hope you guys give it a try -- and really take it like you mean business!! You can get your Skinny Fiber right here and watch a quick video on how and why Skinny Fiber works :)! Http://JasmineBSN.skinnyfiberplus
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 13:30:21 +0000

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