For all of you who believe that the violence our youth are - TopicsExpress


For all of you who believe that the violence our youth are perpetuating against our own communities are all of our own fault, please take the following comment I made on another persons post into consideration. I think the fact that we are disrespected regularly has caused the increase in violence against ourselves. We are imploding and we have been for a long time. If we dont address this disparity in our own community by self-empowerment where we control our own economic and educational situation, this genocide which was put into effect 500 years ago will continue on its course. We already know our standing with the culture in power. We need to take power for ourselves By taking this country to court for way overdue reparations. We need to get that money and create our own schools and curriculum. We need our own banks with money from reparations to provide low cost business loans, mortgages etc. as long as we are controlled economically, the powerless of the situation will continue to invade our psyche and the psyches of our youth. With hopelessness comes destruction. The question tonight needs to be How can we save our children?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:54:38 +0000

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