For all the droolies out there spreading false information like - TopicsExpress


For all the droolies out there spreading false information like spreading herpes in a nightclub about The Ice Bucket Challenge, learn how to do some damn research and stop acting like a glutton sheep eating and following whatever people shove in your face, even cocks. I have seen many articles on this subject, claiming that only 27% of the donations will go to ALS research, the rest is to pay executives and other nonsense, as if the $15 million a year they receive from the government is not enough. These articles are normally posted by wannabe-political websites that pander to dumbcunt conspiracy idiots. There is a magical webstie called freaking GOOGLE. Do 10 minutes of research before spreading your STIs to others in an attempt to play the moral high ground, hope you fall down and that will hurt. Thought that KFC haox taught people a lesson, at least it taught me a lesson. snopes snopes/politics/business/als.asp Charity Navigator: This is all false. It is ok if you do not want to do the challenge or donate, it is fine. Do not play the moral high ground in a condescending manner as if you are somewhat superior to others. Also to the people whining about some countries do not even have clean drinking water and you are [insert idiocy here].. Prove to me that you have actually ever cared about them before. Have you ever donated to charities that deal with water issues? Have you ever cared before it was necessary and convenient so you can be a morality lord saviour and act in a superior manner? Even people like PewDiePie cares, he raised awareness for the clear water project. I am not a fan of his, I am just making a comparison. If you care that much, do something, raise awareness, work with these charities, donate money or even go out into such countries to work with charities and bring them the hope. Do not just sit on your chair and act like a morality lord. And no, I am not acting like a morality lord. I am just defending ALS and people who have raised awareness, brought positive outcomes to spread the message. I have joked about it before, but it is called a JOKE.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:08:37 +0000

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