For all those folks that live several states away and noticed on - TopicsExpress


For all those folks that live several states away and noticed on Facebook that we had a bad storm. Here is the Duty family update. Very little rain, actually fell. But the winds were a booger. The big argument around town is straight line or tornado? When a 2 X 12 joist is sent flying through the air, through the window of a house and out the top of the roof, I am not sure whether it matters if the breeze was straight line 70-90mph or blowing in a circle. It was strong enough to do lots of damage, tear roofs off, pull up trees like weeds, and hurl debris through windows. As far as I know, no one was hurt beyond frazzled nerves or cuts from flying glass. Waco was blessed beyond belief that there was so little injury. I can tell you that Roland and I were sitting in the parking lot of HEB Wooded Acres when it hit. Pot plants, flying metal, carts and other debris were flying past our vehicle. When the rain stopped you could see in the distance uprooted trees and cars that were disabled. Less than 5 minutes later, the sounds of sirens were wailing from all directions. Firetrucks and ambulances and police cars were arriving on the area to see what needed to be done. Today we hit about 48 hours into this event. Our support network of city employees, firemen and policemen are still out there, working intersections, directing traffic keeping power company and TXDOT workers safe as they restore electricity and signal services. Next time you see one of them, tell them THANKS! Lots of people that have been working round the clock to get Waco back up and running.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 19:51:26 +0000

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