For all those that helped me and gave me support today I deeply - TopicsExpress


For all those that helped me and gave me support today I deeply appreciate it. I have deleted and reposted for many reasons. I apaulogize to anyone on bali expats that that is annoyed by my messages. If you want them to stop please help me and they will. Hi yall. Please check out my FB page. Im trying to find my daughter who has been taken by her mom to Bali and refuses to show up in court. Under the laws here I must find her even if she is hiding and has kidnapped my baby Kaysia. It has been 8 months since Ive spoken to her. If you see her or my ex-wife please take pictures and send them to me. Her family is saying that she moved to Ireland with her new husband. This is not truthful. Again please take a picture if you see them so I can show the courts and things can proceed. Please like and follow my page. The power of social media Thanks for any and all help. Loving father of Kaysia Cheryl Opatovsky, Josh https://facebook/findingkaysia My original post 8 months ago--> Hi everyone, Im going to give you a brief history of my story and my plight to see my daughter again. I am a private person and dont share my personal life with many people so this is difficult for me. And before I begin I apologize to those that I have kept my situation from that care about me. Ive been all over the place trying to get my head around what has happened. I am a Canadian man living in Indonesia. My ex-wife and mother of my child is Aryani Dina Miranti, an Indonesian women. We got divorced last year. My first lawyer told me I didnt have a chance of winning custody and that in Indonesia that there is no shared custody and being a foreigner in this country I had no chance even though I had her in Canada. My ex misled me into believing she would make an agreement after the divorce that would legally allow me to see Kaysia on weekends and holidays. The court was present for this but can in no way enforce the situation. She refused to make the agreement after the divorce was final. And just less than a 4 months after our divorce my ex got pregnant again, with another white man (Ronnie Fahy) whom she found online and have since married. I had nothing against this man. Hes good to my daughter and I told Kaysia that its only more people to love her. But 6 months after that I had the most frightening news of my life. Someone told me that my ex brother in law posted on multi-media that Kaysia was moving from Bandung. My stomach dropped. I was away on business at the time and caught the next flight back to Bandung. By the time I got there she was gone. Ripped away from her school in the middle of the school year and all her friends and all she knows. I called my ex and her family, but no one gave me any information. I kept calling until two days later, (maybe the longest two days of my life) Kaysia picked up her phone. Ahh great, I found out that they are in Bali, but she wasnt allowed to tell me where. She just said that now mommy said that Ronnie is my dad now so I call him ayah-indonesian for dad. I sent the poor girl on a mission to find out her hotels name. One day, after a week of talking, twice a day, she whispered in the phone that she was going to go to the bathroom. She hid from her mother and tried to tell me the name of the hotel when her mom caught her. That was 63 days ago. I havent heard from Kaysia since. My ex terminated all communication. Her family wont pick up the phone or respond to text messages. Im afraid that they will move to Australia because her new husbands work is based out of there. My lawyers will be trying to get to to court and we hope it all works out. Until then if you know the whereabouts of my baby Kay please contact me via facebook or by phone and text 082262265560. To keep this in focus and directly on finding my Kaysia I will do my best to refrain from besmirching my ex wife by not mentioning what happened during our marriage. I do this also because one day Kaysia will see this and know the kind of man I am. I know i have been horribly slandered by my ex wife, to the point that her inside circle believe what her, her husband and her family are doing is okay. For those who only believe one side of the story and actually support my ex to keep Kaysia away from me, I hope you never have to go through the pain Im going through now, being away from my daughter, my precious,my whole universe. However those who doubt my sincerity and truthfulness please feel free to PM me. Thank you for any and all support. Loving ,heart broken father of Kaysia Cheryl Opatovsky Josh Opatovsky
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:40:55 +0000

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