For all those who dont mind hearing from Jacque, I put this up for - TopicsExpress


For all those who dont mind hearing from Jacque, I put this up for is my story of her work and i will try my best to be as specific as I can be..& if anyway youre not happy with what shes written of/about let me know....I feel that shes doing a great job of walking us along with her on her journey to serve the Lord....real life experiencing the lives of the people shes chosen to serve....From my darling sister Chan, Shes ready to experience real missionarys life outside of the MTCs overprotective walls - she wrote: Our last temple session this morning was bitter sweet. It was emotional for me thinking about not having yall here in the celestial room one time before I am re-born on Tues for the in-field, and also, it was just so nice and full in the sessions because we have about 60+ missionaries altogether here in the CCM. And I think about 35+ of us leave on Tues. Thats including the new latinos (or spanish-advanced) missionaries that arrived last Tues. In the capital here it kind of reminded me of LA (the pretty side). We have the fancy buildings and so many restaurants and all the other beautiful things to see. I saw TGIFs,OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE, krispy kreme, mcds, some other stuff. We rode the guagua (mini-van as taxis) and they were all beat-up. Most of them have torn-up seats and theyll have just boards that they hammer in to make extra seats on the side of the inside of their vans. Its 20 pesos a ride. But we had to get off b/c we walked the whole way to the hermanas house. And thats when it started getting ugly! The streets are beat up, trash everywhere, a lot of tall buildings, a lot of homes squished together, and people just posted outside their houses like it was the thing to do. Imagine. were sent to the slums!! Thats worse than being poor...they live in buildings no doors, windows.They cover the dirt they eat and sleep on w/ a blanket.Very beautiful people...they reminded me of that actress from White Chicks and she was the news-reporter? So we left to the next appt; which was further down--at the callejons?? Theyre like these apartment buildings that have small hallways and are like stacked on top of each other. It was like going through a messy maze. Sorry, I dont know how else to describe the callejons, but I quickly got home-sick. I saw kids just running around being happy w/ no shoes and nothing else to do. Men and women look like they just sit right outside their front doors all day and enjoy each others company in the small hallways. Even the crazy motorcycle riders ride their bikes through the hallways. WEIRD! When we taught we had to teach in the hallways because I dont think there would be space for us in their homes.The poor area that I went to was amazing. Really humbling experience. It made me realize how fortunate we are in our living conditions back home and how clean we are compared to the area that I went to. Some people cant even afford clean water, but it really wasnt that bad. These people really are happy w/ the little things that they have and it amazes me how strong some of them are. They are truly ready to hear the gospel and Im so excited to get out on Tuesday, but even more sad to be leaving my brothers and sisters that Ive grown to love in the MTC. The humidity here is crazy though! Half the day I had spent in-field w/ Hermana Weatley and I was soaked! So imagine a full day...aaaaah Im about to be roasted though! Lol. Overall it was such a wonderful and exciting experience. I wont be hearing from her for about 2 weeks as she will be transitioned to her first area, but I pray that all will go smoothly for her and her fellow missionaries siblings....and here she only sent very few pics.....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:58:58 +0000

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