For all those who think that their too old or too young to fulfill - TopicsExpress


For all those who think that their too old or too young to fulfill Gods will on their lives and change the world. Just know this... When God called Moses to free the Hebrews from Egypt, Moses what 80 years old. When we think about someone who is 80 today, we probably think about someone who is very fragile or someone who is not very mobile or living in a nursing home. I mean can you imagine being 80 years old and God calling you to go free your people. Thats insane to think about in the natural. When God called David to kill Goliath with a rock, David was only a teenager. He was a kid. Can you imagine being a kid and God calling you to stand up and take out the biggest bully in the yard. The point I am trying to make is that God doesnt care how old or young you are anymore than he cared about their ages. In fact, God knew how old or young you were going to be when He called you before you were even born. So dont let your age deceive you. Dont listen to people who tell you that you are to young or old to change the world. Or that you are not educated enough. Because let me tell you something, people did not call you and give you a purpose. God did. And it is God and God only who you will have to answer to if you do not fulfill His will on your life. The enemy will send plenty of people to kill your momentum, distract you, discourage you, and criticize you. But you have to be diligent, obedient, persistent, God-dependent, and persevere through the storm. And God will get you where He wants you to be. He will reward and bless you beyond your wildest dreams. Regardless of how old you are! God always rewards obedience!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:39:47 +0000

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