For all those who this resonates with: APRIL is going to be - TopicsExpress


For all those who this resonates with: APRIL is going to be MASSIVE. Re-member to ground yourselves, surround yourselves in the protection of the White Light and any other protections that you are led to for your higher soul selves. Keep your heart center open and remain in the flow of LOVE. If anyone feels as if they are experiencing psychic attacks, here is an oldie but goodie, to assist you with this: “Power of the Blue Ray, Archangel Michael, please bring ascension upgrades of sovereign Grace and Master Healing Clearing through my I Am Presence now; Sacred Rose Ray, hold me in complete energetic integrity of my Divine Original Blueprint and in divine alignment in perfect divine timing; Violet Fire, consume and transmute all not of God’s desires.” Touch God Code points of 3rd eye and higher heart to make divine alignment and say, “I come into divine alignment with my soul now.” Touch Gaia point which is at solar plexus and 3rd eye till energy shifts “Clear and transcend to Light all attachments, entanglements, reversals, emotions, all frequencies and energies. “Clear all lingering savior, victim martyr roles, crucifixion codes, revenge, guilt, shame, fear, unworthiness, all frequencies and energies.” Breathe deeply to let go, and hold points till energy shifts. “Strengthen my alliance to the greatest benevolent right action of my I Am, perfect well being and highest divine plan of Love and Light now!” Both hands at higher heart “Whatever and wherever in me that is still holding on, attached, in fear, in illusion, in an illusionary dream to this situation, person or place, in any time space, realm, other existences, parallel universes, reality, known or unknown, I acknowledge, Love, forgive, honor, release, transcend, transmute all not of the divine Love of my higher self soul essence now. Energy drains, psychic leaks, psychic cords, all cords and ties, sub personalities, unloved parts, unresolved issues, lingering pain, confusion, trauma, trapped parts, unfinished karma, contracts, vows, oaths, I let them go, fully released in Supreme Divine Love completely to Source God Creation never to return to me in this way again.” Breathe “Beloved Archangel Michael, Power of the Blue Ray, God, clear all attachments, entities, spirit attachments, thought forms, negative belief systems, all remnants and remains, cellular DNA, with special teams of angelic Light, and take all living humans and any beings of any kind who would intend to do me harm, drain and take my energy. Please find all lost spirits of any kind around me and take them home being fully released to Source God Creation never to return to me in this way again, and close, repair and restore all open doorways where I was vulnerable to this and infuse with my higher self source connection in divine Love now. Thank you.” Breathe “I honor my true Core Essence and command my sovereign rights of Supreme Divine Love and complete emotional healing through the Holy Spirit Shekinah dispensation of the Rose Ray back into every cell of my body and being.” “Place me in an Archangel Diamond Chamber of Love, Light, Healing and Protection and do what is necessary to make this healing complete and whole; align, balance, strengthen and seal my aura, all my energy fields, a thousand times a thousand-fold, in God’s perfect harmonic frequency now in my body, being and life with no entanglements and attachments. I am free, I am liberated, I am complete and I am whole; it is done. And so It Is. Thank you!” By: Shekinah and the Blue Ray Beings. Unconditional Love Light & Infinite Strength & Peace to all,
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:49:43 +0000

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