For all you idiots out there planning on hitting the Black Hole - TopicsExpress


For all you idiots out there planning on hitting the Black Hole Thanksgiving day specials.... Is fighting with other idiots in Wal-Mart or Best Buy really worth it? Getting that $199 POS Flat Screen that will not be working next year worth all the trouble? Are you going to be one of the Super Idiots that actually pitch a tent and camp for a week to be first in line? Well, I feel sorry for you. As a person that has worked just about every Thanksgiving ever I can tell you that you are really losing money in the long run. Just imagine that the time you spent waiting in lines and wondering through the unwashed & non-deodorant pajama wearing masses was added on to the end of your purchase? Would you still think it was a bargain? Just for shits & giggles this year keep track of your time shopping Black Hole weekend and give each hour the value of minimum wage. Call it $9 an hour. Add that amount to the purchase price and that great deal feels more like a finger up your ass. Besides why are you buying this cheap shit anyway? To try and impress a family member on Christmas day? Wouldnt if be more impressive if you put that time & effort in to something the family could do together? So instead, try doing the Traditional American Thanksgiving. Eating a delicious home made meal more than you are ever supposed to eat, try to stay awake & watch a couple of boring NFL games and enjoy your holiday.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:18:45 +0000

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