For any who are of the opinion that N.Y.P.D. officers showed a - TopicsExpress


For any who are of the opinion that N.Y.P.D. officers showed a lack of respect for our assassinated Brothers officer Liu and Ramos during their funeral, take a closer look at this video. The mayor who would be king is the recipient of his deserved disrespect, those who are anti-police would have the rest of you accept the deception shoveled from the mouth of this fool. This showing of the men and women in blue who are heroic in their duty, is proof even for the most left leaning individuals that they both honor and mourn the loss of one of their own. How many in blue have come to show the bond between them This line of Officers is not just long, it is five rows deep! They are cops, men and women, black, white Hispanic , Asian and everything else. Different faiths and beliefs, they are all BLUE. Most runaway, they chose to run towards, disrespectful? I think not! Skeptics? Take the written test, pass it along with the required medical, physical, and psychological parts. Spend the next six months in the academy learning the state Penal Laws, Criminal Procedure Laws, NYPD Guidelines, tactics, qualifying at the shooting range under the strictest supervision, perform physical training exercise daily, all in preparation for a job that will at many times second guess you, Monday morning quarterback you, be open for loss of pay/vacation days from a civilian complaint board. Yet, knowing all of this, these men and women perform their jobs to the highest degree, willing to accept all of the risks presented before them. They should be embraced and thanked for the dedication provided. The anarchists who scorn them, abuse them, and disobey them, are the very reason why we need these officers. Here is a simple idea for all, WHEN AN OFFICER GIVES YOU A DIRECTIVE...OBEY HIM/HER. If you are in disagreement, file a complaint afterwards! In addition, no where in any law enforcement manual does it state an officer must say PRETTY PLEASE. By not adhering to the directive given, you have failed to comply. May the Good Lord Bless and keep safe all law enforcement of the U.S.A. Must watch until end. This is heart wrenching. Check out this video on YouTube:
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:48:12 +0000

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