For anybody that thinks money is not important digest this - TopicsExpress


For anybody that thinks money is not important digest this thought. Healthcare insurance and medication cost money. Even if you have health care insurance that provides you discounts on medications and Co payments on doctor visits it still cost money. If you go to a emergency room by law they have to take you in however if you dont have insurance they can admitting you. And if they decide to admit you they will bill you for your stay that will cost money. And upon discharge any outpatient treatment recommended will cost you money. Point is it cost money to live. You will not live if you dont make money. This is why we have so many elderly people working way past retirement age until the day they die because otherwise they will not receive NY help in the form of Healthcare from the government. Its truly a sad situation and you honestly can not understand it or feel the compassion for it until you are dealing with it. Fortunately I am blessed to have certain things working for me in my favor and my financial situation truly helps the burden and because of this I am so grateful for every person that per chase any of my products. But I am really sympathetic for the elderly and the disenfranchised. A lot of times we lack understanding why some people do not have. There are so my variables that play a part into why some men may not have. I am not speaking about the shiftless lazy that dont want to work but ideally everyone would love to have a nice car and home. But the system is n I t set up for everyone to win. So if you are one of the fortunate few that happen to be winning right now I urge you to do the right things with your time and money to get the oroper resources in place for yourself in case of emergency and in the long run, be appreciative of the people in your life that is on your side and helping you and be grateful for every single happy healthy moment. So many people do not appreciate the basic simple God given things they have because they are so easy to overlook. But be grateful before any of it is taken away from you.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:43:20 +0000

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