For anyone out there who has been condemning the - TopicsExpress


For anyone out there who has been condemning the #icebucketchallenge concerning their breakdown of funds might I remind you that researching a cure is just part of what a good charity does. Yes...they do have a staff of people who work for them. Some are volunteers but others have made it their life work to try to do whatever they can to find a cure and advocate for the charity. Therefore a portion of the funds goes to pay those people. Not a large portion, mind you, but they have to be able to survive in life as well. A good charity also does outreach into the community. They educate the community on the charity, and the disease, in order to help people understand why they are even doing this work in the first place. That costs money. They also spend a portion of the money collected toward patient and community service. They help those living with ALS, currently, get the best care possible. They help their families cope. I great charity has to be well-rounded. It cant ONLY think about finding a cure but also those who are currently burdened by the disease. They also have to be ever vigilant and always looking forward. The #icebucketchallenge has been a HUGE boost in money for The ALS Association; however, it doesnt stop there. They must look forward and continue other fundraising efforts. And yes...fundraisers COST MONEY. And of course there is the research piece. On the scale of allocated funds a LARGE percentage goes towards researching the disease in hopes to find a cure. It amazes me how some people can be so ignorant when it comes to how a charity works. There is a full scope of things to pay for which will all lead to a better tomorrow for a future generation who struggle. The link that keeps getting shared about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge being a fraud was recently DEBUNKED on snopes. Before spreading crap on the internet, because you dont want to participate in the #icebucketchallenge to help spread awareness and raise money, understand how a charity works. Have a lovely day! snopes/politics/business/als.asp
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:43:40 +0000

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