For anyone who has some basic understanding of corporate systems, - TopicsExpress


For anyone who has some basic understanding of corporate systems, I have tried to draw an analogy with politics and present condition of the nation: So lets say theres a mammoth corporate group which is facing very hard times and decline in all ratios and facing its worst ever battle of survival in the market and is now recruting a new CEO and board of directors are conducting the interviews. There are 3-5 candidates: 1) The son of existing chairman of the borad whose all achievement is his surname and he has never worked in his life ut the chairman wants his son at all cost 2) There are existing CEOs of few group companies but these companies are the bleeding companies of the group and performance of these CEOs are below avergae or average 3 ) Then there is a new kid in the block who is fresh out of the college and sounded very promising with his talks of changing systems, utopian ideas and idealistic approach. But when he was given the charge as CEO of a small company of the group he was a disaster. Instead of stratigising and working to take the company to new heights and capture the market and imagination of customers in long term he worked to deliver short term populist measures like hike in slaaries, attacking other group companies everyday, making allegation at everyone and calling everyone chor, focussed more on sound than actual work or performance, he even gave incentives to employees who performed the worst and were also caught in fraud and cheating to the company. Ultimately he ejected himself and resigned!!!!! in 49 days! 4) Now there is one man who is CEO of an existing company. He has been running the company for 12 years and has made it an ideal company for others to follow. His success and model is being approved, talked upon and discussed by international agencies, boards of rival groups, competitors, and used as best in classs benchmark for other companies within the group and outside. His growth in revenue/ profits has been consistently 11-12%+ where as the average rate of the group is around 5-7%. Management teams often send their teams to learn the secret of success of this company from withint he group and outside. The entire world and international media talks about the decisive leadership quality of this CEO and shareholders are more than impressed. His leadership qualities and the story of success of this company has been making headlines in international media for the last 5 years and most of awards given by the group to individual companies has been won by tis company. So now borad has to sit to decide on the CEO in the next 1 month. As Modi says abb nirnay desh ko karna hai !! Cheers!! Via Prasenjit Bhattacharya
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 11:28:32 +0000

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