For aspiring artists, writers, poets, essayists and the like, I - TopicsExpress


For aspiring artists, writers, poets, essayists and the like, I will be launching The Dirt Collective very soon. I would love your input and your words. If you would like to participate or be part of this project, please read on: This concept was born out of years of self study and my own health-related experiences. Over the past year in particular, I have been figuring out how I could branch out and share my story and knowledge with others. It is The Dirt Collective which has brought me to this point. I come from a family of artists. My Grandfather and Holocaust survivor Jacob Rosenberg was a renowned poet and writer. His memory and creative spirit live on in each and every member of my immediate family. The connection between Jacob and my mother was almost sacred. The two shared the same mind; their love for one another depicted a tale of long-lost friends, more than your typical father daughter relationship. His death in 2008 left a huge void for all of us, especially my mother. To this day, she continues to write both for him and in memory of him. She questions, and he responds as words pour through her fingertips. Her words reaffirm that his presence is still here. My sisters, are also artists. Adena, the eldest has carved a name for herself within the Australian theatre scene, whilst my middle sister Shoshi is an intuitive painter and art-therapist. From an early age I too found my expressive outlet, or perhaps it found me; I have found that things make most sense when I am making music and songwriting. It is my safety and comfort. On the other hand, my father Michael Jacobs is a Pharmacist. Although he swears that the creative genes derive from his side of the tree, Michael took the more practical route. However, after moving to Australia with my mother in 1993, he found himself in a slightly different environment. He used his skills to create something larger; he built himself a second home within the Holistic milieu. Still seen as quite an alternative approach during the early nineties, dad surrounded himself with naturopaths, homeopaths, and the intuitive to spread awareness of health through whole-foods, mindfulness and self-love. He found his passion, a fusion of Western and Alternative medicine. He built a collective, a family of like-minded individuals with one goal in mind; this was and still is, to help, heal and transform. How do we as creators, artists and the like, express ourselves to help us make sense of things? Or, more importantly, how does our calling and our ability to create, help to heal. That’s what The Dirt Collective is all about, fusing the creative and holistic worlds together and understanding that the two are inextricably connected. One latches onto the other and it seems that there is always an epiphany when one of these two worlds are activated. A healing always seems to take place, and a self-discovery or transformation is always met. We as people are ever-changing and our work is always in the stages of development. There is always opportunity for growth and new ideas. The Dirt Collective is a tool for artists to come together and discuss their experiences of self-healing and discuss how creative expression can be utilized to move forward, unblock and overcome challenges. It is a compilation of reflective pieces, whether they be short stories, poetry, biography etc of those who find peace, solace and moments of self-discovery in their craft, whatever genre it may be.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:03:50 +0000

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