For better or worse, I’ve been armchair quarterbacking MH370. - TopicsExpress


For better or worse, I’ve been armchair quarterbacking MH370. So, for the sake of completeness, I may as well finish the job and comment on the most bizarre twist yet: the article in the WSJ today, which of course came out right after my last note, perhaps because I usually post near midnight. online.wsj/news/articles/SB10001424052702304914904579434653903086282 . It says the plane flew for an extra ~4 hrs. Let me quickly attempt to type out the logical implications of this, if only so I can get it fully out of my head and focus more on my work. This is all speculation, so please don’t get upset or even take it seriously. Instead, chime in to explain the more clear errors and faults in it. IMO, the WSJ’s reputation is ~3x that of MAS, who say the WSJ is wrong. Therefore, the plane indeed probably went to the relatively narrow 4-hr flight ring. The radius is >=4 hours x 1.15 mph/knot x 480 knots/hour=2,200 miles. No reason to go to the ocean, so it must have gone to land (in more ways than one). W-NW of the last point of contact is the vector, assuming the Malaysian military radar report. Shi Lanka? Nepal? I’ve no time to look carefully at any maps right now. Sorry. Anyway, once upon a time, the motivation for a hijack was to get out of dodge, but these days it’s much easier to get a fake passport, if that were the need. And, obviously, MH370 can’t end up on ebay. I have a feeling it violates their terms of service to sell stolen 777s. Most of the parts are probably marked as well. So, it’s only other possible value is as a weapon. That implies the next time we should see the plane of MH370 is just before it kills a bunch of people. Who? Well, the US, Russia, and Europe are too far away and well-protected nowadays. If I had to guess, and this is just based on the past, dont take it personal, it would be either a US embassy (the classic target), or a place that is an anti-Islamic ally of the USA with many dual-citizenship US citizens hanging about. When? Well, I dont exactly think a 777 can refuel in mid air. It would take a lot of time to modify it. Perhaps a month from now. I hereby take back thanking God. The worst is yet to come. :(
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:09:01 +0000

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